
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Unit: 2. A Father’s Letter to His Son (Reading II) || Reading & Grammar Exercise || Grade 8 || English


Unit: 2 (Reading I)

A Father’s Letter to His Son

Reading, Grammar & Writing Exercise

Reading Exercise

A. Solve the crossword puzzle with the help of the given meanings.


2. next to something: ADJACENT

7. gave something to somebody: HANDED

9. a pair of glasses to protect eyes from the Sun: SUNGLASSES


1. a place to sleep on a train or ship: BERTH

3. to leave a place: DEPART

4. a section on a train: COMPARTMENT

5. a thick piece of cloth to keep your neck warm: MUFFLER

6. disappeared suddenly: VANISHED

8. to demand something forcefully: INSIST

9. a group of objects: STUFF

C. Write who made these remarks and for what purpose.

a. Is it OK if I go on my own? – The boy, asking for permission to go alone.

b. Please let me go by myself. – The boy, requesting to be allowed to go alone.

c. May I take them, please? – The boy, asking permission to take his swimming goggles and swimming suit.

d. Okay but always go swimming with your grandparents.- The boy’s mother, giving permission but emphasizing the importance of swimming with his grandparents.

e. Would it be alright if I took sunglasses and mufflers for them? – The boy, asking for permission to take sunglasses and mufflers for his grandparents.

C. Answer the following questions.

a. Where did the boy want to visit?

The boy wanted to visit the place where his grandparents lived.

b. How long would the boy live with his grandparents?

The boy would stay with his grandparents for fifteen to twenty days.

c. Why did the parents not want to let him go alone at first?

The parents did not want to let him go alone at first because they were concerned for his safety.

d. Do you think that the boy was loving and caring? Why?

Yes, I think the fact that the boy wanted to take sunglasses and mufflers for his grandparents suggests that he was loving and caring.

e. What did the boy tell his father before the announcement?

Before the announcement, the boy assured his father that he remembered everything and kindly requested him not to worry.

d. Why do you think the boy felt relaxed at last?

The boy felt relaxed at last because he received reassurance and a sense of companionship through his father’s letter.

f. If you were the boy, what else would you ask your parents to take with you?

If I were the boy, there are a few more things I would request my parents to pack for me. Firstly, I would want them to include my favorite stuffed animal, which would bring me comfort and make me feel less lonely during the journey. Secondly, I would appreciate having a small journal or notebook and a pen to jot down my thoughts, experiences, and emotions along the way. Lastly, I would need a map or a compass to help me navigate and find my way confidently. Having these items would ensure that I feel secure, connected, and prepared as I embark on my solo adventure.

Grammar I

A. Match the statements in column A with their correct questions in column B.

I am late.                          – iv. Am I late?

I can help you.                 – vi. Can I help you?

She is sleeping.                – v. Is she sleeping?

We have met before.        – vii. Have we met before?

You work at home.          – i. Do you work at home?

It costs Rs. 10.                 – ii. Does it cost Rs. 10?

She went home.               – viii. Did she go home?

The left for the cinema.    - iii. Did they leave for the cinema?

B. Change the following statements into yes/no questions.

a. He loves this town.

Does he love this town?

b. They always play football?

Do they ever play football?

c. She can fly areoplane.

Can she fly areoplane?

d. There are some smart students in the school?

Are there any smart students in the school?

e. They went to the river yesterday.

Did they go to the river yesterday?

f. She spends her money on books.

Does she spend her money on books?

g. He decided to leave the town.

Did he decide to leave the town?

h. She goes to bed early.

Does she go to bed early?

i. They should rewrite their homework.

Should they rewrite their homework?

C. Write honest answers to these questions.

a. Do you study in Grade VII?

No, I don’t.

b. Do you like watching television?

Yes, I do.

c. Have you ever been to a zoo?

No, I haven’t.

d. Does your father cook food?

No, he doesn’t.

e. Did you go to a health post/hospital last month?

No, I didn’t.

f. Can you draw a picture of a dragon?

No, I can’t.

g. Do you have classes on Saturdays?

Yes, I do.

h. Does your brother/sister like coffee?

Yes, she does.

i. Does your friend wear glasses?

Yes, he does.

Writing I

A. Develop a story based on the outlines given below. Write a suitable title too.

A poor shoemaker and his wife ……… live in a small house …….. has tough days to earn his daily bread ……… always dream of living happily …..runs out of money …… has a piece of leather to sew shoes …..gets up in the morning and finds fine pairs of shoes ………. gets surprised and sells them in market …..buys more leather ……… cuts it our to make more pairs and leaves on his work-table ……..finds many pairs there …….. sells them and becomes rich ……… continues for some weeks ……. buys a beautiful house …….comes to know about the elves helping them ……….. leaves pairs of beautiful shoes for them…….elves never come back again

The Magical Shoes

Once upon a time, in a quaint little village, there lived a poor shoemaker and his wife. They resided in a small, cozy house, struggling to make ends meet. Each day, the shoemaker faced the arduous task of earning their daily bread, toiling away to provide for their modest needs. Despite their hardships, the couple always dreamt of a life filled with happiness and prosperity.

One winter, when their situation grew particularly dire, the shoemaker found himself with no money left to purchase materials for his trade. However, he discovered a small piece of leather tucked away in his workshop. Determined to make the most of it, he decided to sew a pair of shoes.

The next morning, as the shoemaker rose from his slumber and made his way to the worktable, he couldn't believe his eyes. There, lying before him, were exquisitely crafted shoes, far more beautiful than anything he had ever made. Perplexed and amazed, he quickly realized that someone must have helped him during the night.

Eager to share his discovery, the shoemaker took the shoes to the market and sold them at a good price. With the money he earned, he purchased more leather, envisioning the possibilities that lay ahead. Cutting out the pieces to make more pairs of shoes, he left them on the worktable and retired for the night.

To his astonishment, the following morning brought forth a sight identical to the previous one. The table was now filled with an array of finely crafted shoes, ready for sale. The shoemaker's heart filled with gratitude and joy, realizing that some mysterious benefactors were assisting him.

Week after week, the shoemaker continued this routine. Each night, he would leave a piece of leather on the table, and each morning, he would discover beautifully crafted shoes. With his newfound wealth, he bought a magnificent house, furnishing it with the finest comforts money could offer.

Over time, the shoemaker grew curious about the identity of his secret helpers. He decided to express his gratitude by leaving a gift in return. One evening, before retiring to bed, he left a pair of exquisitely crafted shoes on the table, meant as a token of appreciation for the mysterious benefactors.

As the night passed, the shoemaker waited eagerly for a glimpse of the elves who had brought him fortune. However, to his disappointment, they never returned. The shoemaker and his wife lived a prosperous life, forever grateful for the remarkable turn of events that had changed their lives.

"The Shoemaker's Fortunate Encounters" is a tale that reminds us of the beauty of kindness and the unexpected blessings that can grace our lives. It teaches us to be grateful for the help we receive and to cherish the opportunities that come our way, even if they may be fleeting.

B. Write a story that ends in ‘She finally realised her mistake’.

Title: "The Journey of Reflection"

Once upon a time, in a bustling city filled with people from all walks of life, there lived a young woman named Emily. She was known for her quick temper and stubborn nature. Emily had always been headstrong and believed she was always right, rarely taking the time to consider the consequences of her actions.

One fateful day, while rushing through the crowded streets, Emily accidentally bumped into an elderly woman, causing her to drop the bag of groceries she was carrying. Instead of apologizing, Emily huffed and continued on her way, oblivious to the hurt expression on the woman's face.

Days turned into weeks, and Emily's brash behavior continued. She often spoke harshly to her friends and family, believing that her opinions were superior to theirs. But little did she know, her actions were pushing those closest to her away.

One evening, as Emily walked home from work, she noticed a flyer hanging on a lamppost. It advertised a mindfulness retreat—an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. Intrigued, she decided to sign up, hoping it would provide her with the clarity she desperately needed.

The retreat took place in a tranquil countryside setting, far away from the noise and chaos of the city. Surrounded by serene landscapes, Emily embarked on a journey of introspection. Through meditation, journaling, and engaging in deep conversations with fellow participants, she began to peel away the layers of her ego and examine her past actions.

As Emily delved into her memories, she started to comprehend the weight of her mistakes. She realized that her impulsive behavior had hurt countless people along the way, and she had been blind to the consequences. Overwhelmed with remorse, she yearned to make amends and become a better person.

Determined to change her ways, Emily returned home after the retreat. She sought out the elderly woman she had once dismissed and found her sitting alone in a park. With a heavy heart, Emily approached her, humbly apologizing for her past actions. Tears welled up in the woman's eyes as she forgave Emily, recognizing the genuine remorse in her voice.

From that moment on, Emily made a conscious effort to be more mindful of her words and actions. She sought opportunities to lend a helping hand, listened with empathy, and treated others with kindness and respect. Slowly but surely, she rebuilt the relationships she had damaged and nurtured new ones based on trust and understanding.

Over time, Emily's transformation became evident to all who knew her. The once fiery young woman had mellowed, radiating warmth and compassion. Her loved ones, astonished by the change, welcomed her back into their lives with open arms.

As Emily continued on her journey of self-discovery, she finally realized her mistake. She understood the power of humility, empathy, and the importance of considering the impact of her actions on others. Through reflection and growth, she embraced the beauty of change and became a beacon of inspiration for those seeking their own paths of transformation.

In the end, Emily's story serves as a powerful reminder that it is never too late to acknowledge our mistakes, make amends, and strive for personal growth


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