
Saturday, July 27, 2024

1. Paragraph Writing on Views/ Attitude


Free Writing: I

1. Paragraph Writing on Views/ Attitude

Paragraph writing on views or attitudes involves presenting and elaborating on a particular opinion or perspective. This type of paragraph aims to express a personal viewpoint or stance on a specific topic, providing reasoning and supporting details. Here's how to structure such a paragraph:

1.    Topic Sentence: Clearly state your view or attitude on the topic. This sentence sets the tone for the entire paragraph.

2.    Supporting Sentences: Provide reasons or evidence to support your viewpoint. This could include personal experiences, facts, or logical arguments that reinforce your opinion.

3.    Examples and Illustrations: Offer concrete examples or real-life scenarios that illustrate your perspective, making it more relatable and convincing.

4.    Conclusion or Reflection: Summarize your stance and reflect on its implications or importance, reinforcing the significance of your view.


1. Write a couple of paragraphs in about 150 words expressing your views on highlighting the usefulness of social media platform for study.[BP 2080]

Social media platforms have become invaluable tools for study, offering a range of benefits for students and educators alike. They provide access to a wealth of information and resources, allowing students to join educational groups, follow pages of academic institutions, and participate in online discussions. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn facilitate connections with experts and peers worldwide, enabling the exchange of ideas and collaboration on projects. This interconnectedness can enhance learning experiences and broaden perspectives, making education more interactive and engaging.

Moreover, social media fosters a sense of community and support among students. Platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram enable instant communication, where study groups can share notes, discuss assignments, and provide mutual encouragement. Educational content creators on YouTube and Instagram offer tutorials, lectures, and study tips, making complex topics more accessible. However, it is essential to use these platforms responsibly, as excessive use can lead to distractions. By striking a balance, social media can significantly enhance the learning process and academic success.

2. You may have attended a business fairrecently. Now, write a paragraph narrating your experience in about 150 words. [2080 GP]

Attending the recent business fair was an enriching experience. Held at the downtown convention center, the event buzzed with energy and innovation. As I walked through the aisles, I was captivated by the diverse array of booths showcasing cutting-edge products and services. I had the opportunity to speak with entrepreneurs passionate about their ventures, from tech startups introducing AI-driven solutions to eco-friendly businesses promoting sustainable practices. One highlight was a seminar on digital marketing trends, where industry experts shared invaluable insights and strategies. I also networked with fellow attendees, exchanging ideas and contact information, which could lead to future collaborations. The fair was not only a platform for business but also a hub of creativity and inspiration. I left with a wealth of knowledge, new connections, and a renewed sense of motivation for my own professional endeavors.

3. What do you remember about your childhood days? Write your experience in about 150 words. [2080 Ka.P]

My childhood days are filled with fond memories of exploration and innocence. Growing up in a small town, I spent countless hours playing outside with friends, our imaginations turning backyards into magical kingdoms and forests into uncharted territories. Summers were particularly special, marked by family trips to the beach where we'd build sandcastles and chase waves. School days were a mix of learning and laughter, with favorite teachers inspiring a love for reading and science. I remember the joy of coming home to the comforting smell of my mom's cooking and the warmth of family dinners. Weekends often meant visits to my grandparents' house, where stories of their youth fascinated me and homemade treats awaited. The simplicity of those days, free from the pressures of adult life, instilled a sense of wonder and curiosity that still resonates with me today. My childhood was a time of happiness, learning, and love, forming the foundation of who I am.

4. The beginning part of a paragraph on'Difficulties in Learning English' is given below. Complete the text in your own way in about 150 words.[ 2080 SP]


Studying a foreign language is not an easy job. Although I have studied English for ten years, I have a number of difficulties.

Studying a foreign language is not an easy job. Although I have studied English for ten years, I have a number of difficulties. One of the biggest challenges is mastering the complex rules of grammar and syntax. English grammar has many exceptions and irregularities that often confuse learners. Pronunciation is another hurdle; the subtle differences in vowel sounds and stress patterns can make speaking clearly difficult. Additionally, building a robust vocabulary requires consistent practice and exposure, which can be daunting. Understanding idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs, which are frequently used in everyday conversations, adds another layer of complexity. Despite these challenges, the effort is worthwhile, as proficiency in English opens up numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth. Regular practice, immersive experiences, and seeking help from native speakers can significantly improve language skills and ease these difficulties over time.

5. Obesity has become a matter of concern in recent years. Write a couple of paragraphs including causes, consequences and efforts to avoid it.

Obesity has become a significant concern in recent years due to a combination of factors. Sedentary lifestyles, driven by prolonged screen time and minimal physical activity, contribute significantly to weight gain. Additionally, the prevalence of processed foods high in sugars and unhealthy fats exacerbates the problem. Socioeconomic factors, such as limited access to healthy foods and lack of education about nutrition, also play a crucial role. Stress and emotional factors can lead to unhealthy eating habits, further compounding the issue.

The consequences of obesity are far-reaching and serious. It increases the risk of numerous health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. Obesity can also lead to psychological issues such as depression and low self-esteem, affecting overall quality of life. To combat obesity, a multifaceted approach is essential. Promoting regular physical activity, encouraging balanced diets rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and fostering educational programs about healthy living can help. Community initiatives and government policies supporting access to healthier food options and active lifestyles are also vital in addressing this growing epidemic.

6. Some people argue that God can be found in the temple while others say God can be seen in the workplace and work is worship. What do you think about this? Present your arguments.

The debate over where one can find God—whether in temples or in the workplace—reflects different perspectives on spirituality and worship. For many, temples and places of worship are sacred spaces where they feel a direct connection to the divine. These spaces are often imbued with rituals, traditions, and a communal sense of reverence that help individuals focus on their spirituality and build a deeper relationship with God. The temple provides an environment specifically designed for reflection, prayer, and spiritual growth, which can be deeply meaningful.

On the other hand, the concept that "work is worship" suggests that God’s presence can be experienced in daily activities and professional endeavors. This perspective emphasizes that spirituality is not confined to specific locations but is integral to all aspects of life. By approaching work with integrity, dedication, and a sense of purpose, individuals can express their values and beliefs through their actions. This view holds that serving others and contributing positively to society through one’s work is a form of worship.

Ultimately, both perspectives can coexist and complement each other. For many, temples offer a structured space for spiritual practice, while everyday work provides opportunities to live out one’s values and demonstrate faith in action. The key is to recognize that spirituality can be expressed in various ways and that both sacred spaces and daily activities have their own significance in one’s spiritual journey.

7. Science is viewed from different perspectives. Some people say it is a boon while others say it is a curse. What in your opinion. is science a blessing or curse? Write your views in about 150 words.

Science can be seen as both a blessing and a curse, depending on its application and impact. As a blessing, science has revolutionized our world by advancing medical technology, improving quality of life, and addressing critical issues like disease and malnutrition. Innovations such as vaccines, antibiotics, and renewable energy sources have profoundly enhanced human well-being and sustainability. Science also drives progress in fields like communication and transportation, connecting people globally and expanding opportunities.

However, science can also present challenges and potential dangers. The same technologies that benefit humanity can be misused, leading to ethical dilemmas or environmental harm. Issues like climate change, nuclear proliferation, and the misuse of genetic engineering demonstrate the darker side of scientific progress. Therefore, science itself is neutral; it is how we apply and manage it that determines whether it acts as a blessing or a curse. Responsible stewardship and ethical considerations are crucial to ensuring that science continues to benefit society while minimizing risks.

8. Brain drain is a major problem in developing nations like Nepal. A large number of youths and professionals leave Nepal and go abroad each year. Write a couple of paragraphs expressing your opinion about the impacts of such migration. Also, give suggestions to check it.

Brain drain is a significant issue for developing nations like Nepal, where a substantial number of skilled professionals and youths migrate abroad each year. This migration often results in a loss of talented individuals who could contribute to the country's development. The departure of skilled workers exacerbates shortages in crucial sectors such as healthcare, education, and technology, hampering national progress. Additionally, the loss of these individuals often means a decline in innovative ideas and leadership within the country, which can stifle economic and social advancement.

To address brain drain, several strategies can be implemented. First, creating more opportunities for professional growth and career advancement within Nepal is essential. This can be achieved by investing in education, offering competitive salaries, and fostering a supportive work environment. Second, government and private sector initiatives should focus on developing infrastructure and resources to attract and retain talent. Encouraging entrepreneurship and providing incentives for those who choose to return and invest in local ventures can also help mitigate the effects of brain drain. By addressing these areas, Nepal can work towards retaining its skilled workforce and promoting sustainable development.

9. Narrate how you spent your recent holidays. Express your feelings and experiences being away from school friends and daily routine life.

During my recent holidays, I had the opportunity to take a break from my usual school routine and immerse myself in a refreshing change of pace. I spent the first part of the vacation visiting my relatives in the countryside. The serene environment was a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of daily life. I enjoyed long walks in nature, exploring scenic trails, and engaging in leisurely conversations with family members. The quiet and calm of the countryside offered a perfect escape from the constant demands of school and the urban environment.

Being away from my school friends and daily routine was both liberating and enlightening. I appreciated the chance to disconnect from the usual pressures and recharge. It allowed me to reflect on my goals and aspirations, and I found joy in simple activities like reading, cooking, and spending quality time with loved ones. The break was rejuvenating, and I returned feeling refreshed and more focused, with a renewed sense of enthusiasm for my daily responsibilities.

10. Write a paragraph presenting the experience of your last educational tour or observational visit in about 120 words.

During my last educational tour, we visited a renowned science museum, which was an eye-opening experience. The museum featured interactive exhibits on space exploration, robotics, and environmental science, allowing us to engage with complex concepts in a hands-on way. One of the highlights was a live demonstration of a robotic arm, which showcased cutting-edge technology and its practical applications. We also participated in a workshop on renewable energy, where we learned about sustainable practices and innovations. The visit was both educational and inspiring, providing a deeper understanding of scientific principles and their real-world impact. It reinforced my appreciation for science and its potential to drive progress, leaving me eager to explore these fields further in my studies.


1. What can the consequences of faking your identities and bullying other people on social media and the intermet? Present your views in about 100 words.

2. Do you live in a village or a town? What are the advantages and  disadvantages of living there? Write a couple of paragraphs presenting your views.

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