
Thursday, August 1, 2024

1. Letters to the editor:

 8. Free Writing II

1. Letters and Emails

Letters to the editor:

Writing a letter to the editor can be an effective way to express your opinion, share your perspective, or bring attention to important issues. Here are some tips and a basic structure for writing a compelling letter to the editor:


1.    Be concise: Editors typically look for letters that are brief and to the point. Aim for 150-200 words.

2.    Stay relevant: Address current events, recent articles, or timely issues.

3.    Be clear: State your main point in the first sentence and use the rest of the letter to support it.

4.    Be respectful: Even if you disagree with an opinion, maintain a respectful tone.

5.    Proofread: Check for spelling and grammar errors before submitting.


1.    Salutation:

o   Address the editor by name, if possible, or use a general salutation like "Dear Editor."

2.    Opening Paragraph:

o   Start with a reference to the article or issue you're addressing.

o   Briefly summarize the main point of the article if relevant.

3.    Body:

o   Clearly state your opinion or perspective.

o   Provide supporting arguments, facts, or examples.

o   Use one or two paragraphs to make your case.

4.    Conclusion:

o   Summarize your main point or call to action.

o   Mention any potential solutions or suggestions, if applicable.

5.    Signature:

o   Include your name, city, and any relevant credentials or affiliations.

o   Some publications may require additional contact information.


1. The Impact of Urban Gardening on Local Communities

Date:- 2081-05-17

Melamchi, Sindhupalchok


The Editor

The Rising Nepal


Subject- The Impact of Urban Gardening on Local Communities

Dear Sir

I am writing in response to your recent article, "The Impact of Urban Gardening on Local Communities" (July 20, 2024). The piece highlighted the numerous benefits of urban gardening, including increased access to fresh produce and enhanced community engagement.

As an urban gardener myself, I have witnessed firsthand the positive effects that these green spaces can have on our neighborhoods. Beyond the health benefits, urban gardens also serve as vital social hubs where residents can connect and collaborate.

However, to maximize the impact of urban gardening, I believe it is crucial for local governments to provide more support. This could include offering grants for community garden projects, providing access to public land, and organizing educational programs on sustainable gardening practices.

Thank you for shedding light on this important issue. I hope your readers will be inspired to support and participate in urban gardening initiatives in their own communities.


Binita Tamang

Melamchi, Sindhupalchok

2. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about poor public bus service in Nepal in approximately 200 words. [2074 PU]

Date:- 2081-05-17

Melamchi, Sindhupalchok



The Editor

The Rising Nepal


Subject-For complaining about poor bus service in Nepal.

Dear Sir/ Madam

I want to draw your kind attention towards the poor bus service in the city. The passengers face so many problems because the bus is never on time and the condition of bus is also not so good. People have to wait a lot to travel in the bus . The drivers and conductors are also very careless as they pass the stoppage without stopping the bus.

Sometimes the bus is overcrowded and because of this public faces many problem. Most of the time many people have to travel in bus without sitting on the seat. Please there is a need to see this matter seriously and government have to provide better bus service facility to the public.

I request you to look into the matter and please publish this article on the newspaper as soon as possible so that other people can also come together of this cause.

Thanking You,

Your Faithfully,

Anita Tamang

3. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the problem of road accident in Nepal in approximately 200 words. [2074 MA]

Date:- 2081-05-17

Melamchi, Sindhupalchok


The Editor

The Kathmandu Post


Subject- Regarding the problem of road accident in Nepal.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my deep concern about the alarming increase in road accidents in Nepal. Despite numerous campaigns and regulations aimed at improving road safety, the number of accidents continues to rise, resulting in tragic loss of lives and severe injuries.

The primary causes of these accidents are reckless driving, poor road conditions, and inadequate enforcement of traffic laws. Many drivers disregard speed limits and traffic signals, often driving under the influence of alcohol. Additionally, the condition of our roads, with their numerous potholes and lack of proper signage, contributes significantly to the risk of accidents.

It is imperative that the government takes immediate and effective action to address this crisis. This includes stricter enforcement of traffic regulations, regular maintenance and upgrading of road infrastructure, and public awareness campaigns about safe driving practices. Moreover, investing in public transportation could reduce the number of vehicles on the road, thereby decreasing the likelihood of accidents.

The safety of our citizens should be a top priority. I urge the authorities to take comprehensive measures to ensure our roads are safe for everyone.


Roshan Tamang

Melamchi- 11, Sindhupalchok

4. Write a letter to the ward chairperson of your ward about the necessity of preserving cultural and religious heritages in your locality in approximately 200 words.

Date:- 2081-05-17

Melamchi, Sindhupalchok


The Chairperson

Melamchi Municipality Ward no. 11,


Subject-  Regarding the necessity of preserving cultural and religious heritages

Dear Sir,

I am writing to highlight the urgent need for preserving the cultural and religious heritages in our locality. These sites, which include temples, shrines, and historic landmarks, are not only symbols of our rich history but also vital aspects of our community identity and pride.

Unfortunately, many of these heritage sites are in a state of neglect, with some facing threats from urban development and environmental degradation. The loss or deterioration of these cultural treasures would be an irreplaceable loss to our community and future generations.

I strongly urge the ward office to take immediate action to protect and restore these important sites. This could include allocating budget for regular maintenance, promoting community involvement in preservation efforts, and working with heritage conservation experts to develop a comprehensive plan for safeguarding our local heritage.

Additionally, promoting these sites through cultural festivals and educational programs can increase public awareness and appreciation, encouraging more people to participate in preservation activities.

Preserving our cultural and religious heritages is crucial for maintaining our unique identity and ensuring that our rich history is passed down to future generations.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


Sapana Tamang

Melamchi- 11, Sindhupalchok


5. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper describing five main problems you and your neighbors are facing due to a very poor bus service in your home town approximately in 200 words. [2079 Ko.P]

Date:- 2081-05-17

Melamchi, Sindhupalchok


The Editor

The Himalayan Times

Subject:- Regarding poor bus service in my home town.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to draw attention to the severe issues my neighbors and I are facing due to the extremely poor bus service in our hometown. This inadequate service has significantly impacted our daily lives in the following ways:

1.    Unreliable Schedules: Buses frequently run late or do not show up at all, causing immense inconvenience for students, office workers, and others who rely on timely transportation.

2.    Overcrowding: The few buses that do run are often overcrowded, making it difficult and unsafe for passengers to travel, especially during peak hours.

3.    Poor Maintenance: Many buses are in a state of disrepair, with broken seats, malfunctioning doors, and a lack of proper ventilation, leading to an uncomfortable and unsafe travel experience.

4.    Limited Routes: The current bus routes are inadequate, leaving many areas underserved. This forces residents to walk long distances or rely on expensive alternative transportation.

5.    Lack of Accessibility: There are no provisions for the elderly or disabled, making public transportation virtually inaccessible for these vulnerable groups.

We urgently need a comprehensive overhaul of the bus service to ensure reliable, safe, and accessible transportation for all residents. Addressing these issues would greatly improve our quality of life and support the community's mobility needs.

Sharmila Tamang
Mrlamchi, Sindhupalchok

6. The cases of road accident have been increasing in Nepal for decades. Write a letter to the editor explaining the causes, consequences and alternative measures to control accidents in about 200 words.[ 2080 SP]

Date:- 2081-05-17

Melamchi, Sindhupalchok


The Editor

The Kathmandu Post

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my growing concern about the escalating number of road accidents in Nepal. Over the past decades, this issue has become a severe problem with devastating consequences.

The primary causes of road accidents include reckless driving, poor road conditions, and inadequate enforcement of traffic laws. Many drivers ignore speed limits, drive under the influence of alcohol, and fail to follow basic traffic rules. Additionally, the state of our roads, riddled with potholes and lacking proper signage, exacerbates the risk of accidents. Furthermore, the overloading of vehicles and the frequent use of poorly maintained public transport contribute to the danger on our roads.

The consequences of these accidents are tragic, leading to a significant loss of lives, severe injuries, and immense emotional and financial strain on families. The economic burden on the nation is also substantial, with increased healthcare costs and loss of productivity.

To control this alarming situation, immediate measures must be taken. Stricter enforcement of traffic regulations, regular maintenance, and upgrading of road infrastructure are crucial. Public awareness campaigns on safe driving practices and investment in reliable public transportation can significantly reduce accidents. Additionally, implementing strict penalties for traffic violations will deter reckless behavior.

The safety of our citizens should be a top priority. It's imperative that we act now to prevent further tragedies on our roads.

Kabita Ramtel

Melamchi, Sindhupalchok


1. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in about 200 words making a complaint about the poor condition of roads/streets in your locality. State any two problems faced by the people and also suggest two ways for improvement. [2080 BP]

2. Q.No. 8 Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in about 200 words on 'insufficient water supply in your locality. State two major causes and two possible measures to solve the problem. [2080 GP]

3. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper about environmental pollution in your locality .

4. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper regarding frequent load shedding in your locality.

5. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper about the insanitary condition of the street and bad state of roads in your locality in about 200 words.

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