
Friday, August 2, 2024

5. Book Review/ Film Review


5. Book Review/ Film Review

Writing a book review involves summarizing the book's content, evaluating its strengths and weaknesses, and providing your personal opinion. Here’s a general structure you can follow:

1.    Introduction:

o   Introduce the book by stating its title, author, genre, and publication year.

o   Mention the purpose of the review and what you aim to cover.

2.    Summary:

o   Provide a brief overview of the plot or main ideas without giving away too many spoilers.

o   Highlight the book’s key themes, characters, or arguments.

3.    Analysis:

o   Discuss the author’s writing style and effectiveness.

o   Evaluate the development of characters, plot structure, and pacing.

o   Analyze the book’s themes and how well they are explored.

o   Consider the book’s originality and relevance.

4.    Personal Opinion:

o   Share your personal reaction to the book.

o   Discuss what you enjoyed or found lacking.

o   Mention how the book impacted you or what you learned from it.

5.    Conclusion:

o   Summarize your overall impression of the book.

o   Recommend the book to specific audiences or readers who might enjoy it.

o   Include a rating if applicable (e.g., stars, points, etc.).

Example Review:

Title: The Midnight Library
Author: Matt Haig
Genre: Fiction
Publication Year: 2020

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig is a thought-provoking novel that delves into the concept of alternate lives and the choices we make. The story follows Nora Seed, who, after a series of regrets, finds herself in a magical library where she can explore different versions of her life based on the choices she could have made.

Haig’s writing is both engaging and lyrical, creating a compelling narrative that captures the reader’s imagination. The book's structure, with its multiple possible lives, keeps the plot dynamic and intriguing. Nora’s journey is relatable, and the exploration of existential themes adds depth to the narrative.

While the book offers a fresh perspective on regret and self-discovery, some readers might find the resolution overly optimistic. However, Haig’s ability to balance philosophical questions with a heartwarming story is commendable.

Overall, The Midnight Library is a captivating read for those interested in introspective and imaginative fiction. Its blend of magical realism and real-life dilemmas makes it a worthwhile read for anyone pondering the impact of their life choices.


1. Review of the Book ‘Muna Madan’

Title : Muna Madan

Author: Laxmi Prasad Devkota
Publisher: Sajha Prakashan, Kathmandu, Nepal
Publish Year: 2008
Genre: Nepali Poetry
Language: Nepali

Muna Madan is a folk epic narrating the tragic story of Muna and Madan written in the poetic version in 1935 by the Nepalese poet Laxmi Prasad Devkota. It is one of the most popular works in Nepali literature. Just before his death in 1959 Devkota made his famous statement, “It would be all right if all my works were burned, except for Muna Madan.” It is the most commercially successful Nepali book ever published. It is based on the Jhaurey folk tune.

The book describes the life of a man (Madan) who leaves his wife (Muna) and goes to Lhasa to make money. Madan represents all the youths of Nepal who go abroad to earn money to earn their living.

The wife of Madan, Muna is the queen of love and sacrifice. She loves her Madan a lot so she is upset as she has to send him to a place, Lahsa, where there are lots of obstacles and risks. But finally, she accepts this challenge and stays in the country with her mother-in-law who is old and weak.

While returning home, Madan becomes sick on the way. His friends leave him on the road and come back home saying he has died. Finally, he is rescued by a man who is considered to be of lower caste in Nepal. That is why it is said that a man is said to be great not by caste or race but by a heart full of love and humanity.

When Madan returns to Kathmandu after regaining his health, he discovers that his mother and his beloved wife had already died. Madan comes to realize that money is of no value at that point.

The story also shows the life of a poor woman who suffered much without her husband and later dies because of grief. In this poem, Devkota has written about the biggest problems of the then Nepalese society.

Through the story of Muna and Madan, Laxmi Prasad Devkota wants to stabilize the facts of traditional societies, unscientific beliefs and the negative impacts of unemployment and poverty in Nepalese society. The poet has wonderfully defined love by writing about the relationship of Muna and Madan. The book has proved to be a great piece in the Nepali Literature. I found this a must-read book in Nepali literature.

2. Review of the Book ‘I'm Malala’

Title of Book

I Am Malala


Yousafzai, Malala


"I Am Malala" was a pretty great book, and is now one of my personal favorites. It did not take me long to read and is good for anyone ages 12+.
This book does contain some sensitive contents and might not be great for younger kids, unless the parents are okay with harsh and sad topics in the Middle East. The book does not contain a whole lot of content on what goes on in that area of the world, and it mostly focuses on Malala and her story.
Malala is a young teen from the Swat Valley in Pakistan. She was raised peacefully, but the Taliban soon started to take over the area. The Taliban started like a little seed, but grew into a giant weed that basically controlled everything. They eventually made it so girls were not allowed to go to school, and women were not aloud out of their house unless they are accompanied by a male relative. Malala would not put up with this, for she has a desire to learn and know answers to her questions. She is the daughter of the principal of her school, and grew up admiring the students that attended. After surviving a bullet to the head, months in the hospital, and a move to England, Malala becomes activist and stands up for girl's rights and her belief that everyone has the right to go to school. I liked this book because Malala is a great role model and author. She really provides a strong figure for any girl growing up in this hectic world. This is definitely one of the best books I have read and I am sure I will read it again in times to come. Any girl (or boy) can relate to Malala because she described herself as being an ordinary girl that wanted to see change in the world. She shows that anyone can adjust their view on the world if they just use their voice to speak out. I absolutely suggest this book to someone if they are looking for a fairly quick read!


3. Review of the Book ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’

Title : Rich Dad Poor Dad

Author: Robert Kiyosaki, Sharon Lechter

Cover Artist : AnSync Graphic Design Studio

Publish Year: 1997 AD

Genre : Personal finance

Language : English

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a simple book about money and how to be successful with it. Written by Robert T. Kiyosaki, it uses stories from his own life to teach important lessons about becoming wealthy. The book contrasts two dads: his own dad, whom he calls "Poor Dad," and his friend's dad, "Rich Dad." These two men had very different ideas about money.

Poor Dad thought working hard, going to school, and finding a secure job was the way to succeed. In contrast, Rich Dad believed in using money to make more money, such as investing and starting businesses. Kiyosaki shares what he learned from both dads, showing how to think like Rich Dad to build wealth.

The great thing about Rich Dad Poor Dad is that it’s easy to understand. Kiyosaki explains things with simple words and real stories, making it accessible even if you don’t know much about money. He encourages readers to change their mindset about money, take control of their finances, and work towards financial freedom. The book is more than just a guide to money; it’s a way to make your dreams come true and improve your life.

4. Review of the Book ‘Karnali Blues’

Title : Karnali Blues

Author : Buddhisagar

Cover Artist : Niraj Bhari and Subarna Humagain

Publish Year : 2010 AD

Genre : Novel, Bildungsroman, Coming-of-age story

Language : Nepali

"Karnali Blues" is a touching story about a boy and his father. The book is divided into 11 parts, each filled with memories of the boy’s time with his dad. It tells the story of their relationship from the boy's perspective, beginning with him reflecting on his childhood while hurrying to the hospital to see his father, who is nearing the end of his life.

As the story unfolds, we meet characters like Bhagiram and Mamata didi, who bring the rural life of Nepal to vivid reality with their unique experiences and lessons. These characters add depth and emotion to the narrative, making readers laugh, reminisce about their own childhoods, and think about their own fathers and their sacrifices.

The boy’s father is depicted as a steadfast figure, always there to protect him even during difficult times. As the father’s health declines, the boy begins to understand the depth of his father’s sacrifices. By the end of the story, he matures and gains a deeper appreciation for his father’s love.

Buddhisagar, the author, skillfully captures the essence of his upbringing in the Karnali region, making the story feel authentic and immersive. His use of local language and detailed descriptions enhance the connection between the reader and the book.

Ultimately, Karnali Blues is a celebration of the father-son bond. Through simple language and vivid imagery, Buddhisagar takes readers on an emotional journey, highlighting the special connections we share with our loved ones.

5. Review of the Book ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People

Title : "How to Win Friends and Influence People

Author: Dale Carnegie

Publish Year: 1936 AD

Genre : Self-help book

Language : English

Pages : 291 pg

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" is a timeless guide by Dale Carnegie that provides valuable advice on improving interpersonal relationships and communication skills. The book is organized around straightforward principles that are easy to grasp and apply, making it essential reading for anyone looking to enhance their social skills and positively influence others.

A major strength of the book is its focus on empathy and understanding. Carnegie emphasizes the importance of truly listening to others, recognizing their feelings, and appreciating their perspectives. By practicing empathy and respect, readers can build stronger connections and develop meaningful relationships in both their personal and professional lives.

Carnegie also offers practical tips for better communication and winning people over. From the impact of a genuine smile to the effectiveness of sincere praise, the book provides actionable strategies for building rapport, resolving conflicts, and gaining trust and cooperation. Through relatable stories and real-life examples, Carnegie shows how these principles can lead to success.

Additionally, the book encourages readers to consider the needs and interests of others rather than focusing solely on their own goals. By prioritizing others' perspectives and motivations, readers can become more persuasive and influential in their interactions.

In summary, How to Win Friends and Influence People remains a classic, offering practical advice for navigating social interactions and achieving success in all areas of life. Dale Carnegie’s insights are still relevant today, making this book a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their interpersonal skills and positively impact others.

Film Review:

1.  Movie Review on 'Jhola'

Title of the movie: Jhola

Director: Yadav Kumar Bhattari

Producers: Raj Timalsina, Ram Gopal Thapa and Sushil Shah

Starring: Garima Panta, Desh Bhakta Khanal, Sujal Nepal, Laxmi Giri and Deepak Chhetri.

Genre: Social

Duration: 90 minutes

Language: Nepali

Release Date:7 December  2013

Thola' is a Nepali film based on Krishna Dharawasi's short story "Jhola It has depicted Nepali society about the Sati tradition that was prevalent until the 1920s. The film has beautifully presented the issues of violence against women. "Has Nepalese society really passed through such inhi man tradition?" is the question every youngster wonders about.

 The plot develops with the death of Garima's husband in which she has to immolate herself upon her husband's death, typically on his funeral pyre. She is supposed to be burnt alive with the dead body of her husband ac cording to the tradition. However, she escapes the fire and hides in a cave The help of her son fascinates the audience.

Almost all the scenes seem realistic and historical. Traditional tools like dhiki, janto, madaani, etc. give traditional look in the film. Similarly traditional lights like ranko, diyalo and fire place represent ancient environment to the spectators. In addition to Sati tradition, the movie also touches Kamara Kamarila kind of slavery) tradition. What a beautiful cinematography it is! I think costumes of the artists and the leaf music in traditional tunes touch the heart of every one present in the cinema hall. Garima's natural appearance, her role and her acting are spellbinding and add to the beauty of the movie.

This is a must watch movie. Don't miss it.

2. Chakka Panja Movie Review

Title: Chakka Panja

Genre :- Comedy & Social Drama

Director :-  Deepa Shree Niraula

Producers :- Deepak Raj Giri, Deepa Shree Niraula, Kedar Ghimire

Cast :- Deepak Raj Giri, Priyanka Karki, Aaryan Sigdel, Jeetu Nepal, Kedar Ghimire, Buddhi Tamang, Shivahari Paudel, Barsha Raut , Basundhara Bhusal, & Aruna Karki

Release Date:- 9 September, 2016

The film Chakka Panja follows four friends in a village: Raja (Deepak Raj Giri), Magne (Kedar Ghimire), Saraswati (Jeetu Nepal), and Buddhi (Buddhi Tamang). Raja is wealthy but uneducated and lives a carefree life, advising his friends against marriage and jobs while secretly engaging in affairs with married women.

Things take a serious turn when Raja marries Champa (Priyanka Karki), who eventually runs off with someone else, turning Raja and his friends’ lives upside down. Chakka Panja is a blend of comedy and social drama, focusing on friendship, love, and revenge. It's consistently hilarious, filled with satire on societal issues, and offers a comedic look into Raja’s world.

First-time director Deepa Shree Niraula has done a commendable job. While the storyline and setting might feel familiar, the fresh presentation makes it engaging. The film features characters reminiscent of those in Bollywood's Raja Babu, with Dayahang Rai and Sitaram Kattel (Dhurmus) from Wada No. 6 standing out. Despite the familiar faces, the director presents them in new and interesting roles.

The first half of the film explores the friends' mischievous antics and societal issues such as unemployment, poverty, and domestic violence. The story takes an unexpected turn in the second half, leading to a surprising and impactful ending.

Giri excels as Raja, with his devious behavior, Raja Babu-style appearance, and impeccable comedic timing winning over the audience. Karki’s performance as Champa and Poudel’s role as the mysterious man are solid. Nepal and Ghimire provide plenty of laughs with their humor, while Tamang’s portrayal of the timid husband is spot-on and amusing. Aruna Karki as Devi and Aryan Sigdel in a cameo as an NRN also shine.

The film’s songs, "Purba Paschim Rail" and "Dekhana Champa Sunanana Champa," composed by Rajan Raj Shiwakoti and Deepak Sharma, add to the experience, and the background score is outstanding.

3. Ainaa Jhyal Ko Putali Review

Title:            Ainaa Jhyal Ko Putali (Butterfly On A Windowpane)

Genre:         Social Drama

Run time:   1hrs 30min

Screenwriter/Director:  Sujit Bidari

Actors:        Kanchan Chimariya, Dinesh Khatri, Siru Bista, Ashok Siwakoti, Bisha Chamling Rai, Umesh Shrestha, Mallika Shrestha, Raj Thapa, Padam Prasad Poudel

Casting directors: Kedar Shrestha and Akash Magar

Producers: Prabin Syangbo Aakash Poudel Sujit Bidari Ram Krishna Pokharel

Director Bidari has done an exceptional job bringing to life the story of two siblings who, despite their frequent squabbles, share a deep and unconditional love for each other, and their mother, who works tirelessly to provide her daughter with opportunities for further education.

The film centers on Bidhya and her younger brother, Basanta. Basanta's playful and mischievous nature will remind you of your own childhood, bringing both laughter and affection. Bidhya is a dedicated student and aspiring poet, eager to continue her education and eventually publish her poems in the beloved children’s magazine Muna—a nostalgic touch for those who remember the magazine from before the internet era. Bidhya’s mother is fully supportive of her dreams.

Set in a remote village from decades ago, the movie vividly depicts the community's friendships, picnics, rituals, and daily life, including local theaters, schools, and cultural practices. It’s a rich portrayal of a bygone era.

The film is filled with nostalgic elements, notably the Sankha Dhun of Radio Nepal, which many will remember as a daily ritual in households with radios.

The visuals are stunning, with many beautiful shots. The casting is also noteworthy, especially since most of the cast members were newcomers, and some had never been on stage before. The child actors are particularly impressive and add a charming touch to the film.

While there are many more details to discover, the film is enjoyable with its mix of fun and emotional moments. My only critique is that it ends too soon, leaving viewers eager for more.


4. Movie Review on 'Titanic'

Title of the movie: Titanic

Director: James Cameron

Producers: James Cameron

Starring: Leonardo DiCarpio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Kathy Bathes, Frances Fisher etc.

Genre: Romantic Disaster

Duration: 195 minutes

Language: English

Release Date: November1, 1997 (Tokyo); December 19, 1997 (United States)

"Titanic" is a captivating movie about the legendary ship, the Titanic, known for its grandeur and luxury. The story follows two young people, Jack and Rose, who fall in love aboard the Titanic. Jack, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, is a free-spirited artist who wins a ticket to board the ship. Rose, portrayed by Kate Winslet, is a wealthy young woman feeling confined by her privileged life. When their paths cross, their connection transforms both of their lives.

The film is filled with thrilling moments, especially the dramatic scenes when the Titanic strikes an iceberg and begins to sink. Amidst the chaos, the romance between Jack and Rose is deeply moving, making you root for their love despite the dire circumstances. The special effects are stunning, especially the sinking scenes, which make you feel like you’re experiencing the disaster firsthand.

But Titanic is more than just about the shipwreck; it’s a portrayal of the diverse people on board, showcasing their dreams, struggles, and interactions.

At its heart, Titanic is a tale of love, bravery, and sacrifice, reminding us that love can prevail even in the face of tragedy. If you’re looking for a film that will make you laugh, cry, and feel a wide range of emotions, Titanic is a must-watch. Prepare for an emotional and unforgettable journey on the high seas.

5. Movie Review on '3 Idiots'

Title of the movie: 3 Idiots

Director: Rajkumar Hirani

Producers: Vidhu Vinod Chopra

Starring: Aamir Khan, R. Madhavan, Sharman Joshi, Kareena Kapoor, Boman Irani, Omi Vaidya

Genre: Comedy drama

Duration: 171 minutes

Language: Hindi

Release Date: 25 december, 2009 (India)

"3 Idiots" is an incredibly entertaining film about three college friends. The central character, Rancho, played by Aamir Khan, is a brilliant and unconventional student who resists traditional rules. His friends, Farhan and Raju, portrayed by R. Madhavan and Sharman Joshi, are kind-hearted but struggle under the weight of their families' expectations.

The movie is packed with humor, from the friends' clever pranks on their teachers to their creative problem-solving adventures. But it's also a heartfelt tale about friendship and pursuing one's dreams. Rancho encourages his friends to think independently and follow their passions rather than just aiming for good grades. He believes that true success comes from doing what you love.

As they navigate strict professors, demanding parents, and the challenges of college life, 3 Idiots delivers a powerful message about the value of education and the courage to be different. The film features catchy songs and lively dance numbers that add to the fun. The cast's performances are exceptional, with Aamir Khan particularly standing out with his charming and unique role.

Whether you're a student, a parent, or just in the mood for a great movie, 3 Idiots will leave you smiling. It's a feel-good comedy with plenty of laughs and a big heart. So, grab some popcorn, gather your friends, and enjoy a hilarious and inspiring journey with Rancho and his friends!


1. Write a review of a film or a book that you have recently seen or read in about 200 words. You may talk about characterisation, strengths and weaknesses. and recommendations you want to make. [2080 Ko.P]

2. Write a review of a book or a film you have recently read or watched in approximately 200 words.[ 2079 MP]

3. You may have recently read a book or watched a film. Write a review of the book or of the film in approximately 200 words. [2079 SP]

4. Write a review for a film that you have recently watched in about 200 words. [2078 Ka.P]

5. Write a review of a film or book which you have recently watched or read, in about 200 words. [2075 LP]

6. Write a review of a book which you have recently read. Write it in about 200 words. [2078 GP]

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