
Saturday, August 3, 2024

SEE English Question 2080 (2024)] RE-1011 'MP' (Madhesh Province)


SEE Examination 2080 (2024)

SEE Examination (New Course) [2080 (2024)] RE-1011 'MP' (Madhesh Province)

 Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable. Figures in the margin indicate the full marks.

Time: 3 hrs.                                                                                  Full Marks: 75

Attempt all the questions.

1. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow. [5x1=5]


This is the weather the cuckoo likes,

And so do I;

When showers betumble the chestnut spikes,

And nestlings fly;

And the little brown nightingale bills his best,

And they sit outside at 'The Traveller's Rest,

And maids come forth sprig-muslin drest,

And citizens dream of the south and west, And so do I.


This is the weather the shepherd shuns,

And so do I;

When beeches drip in browns and duns,

And thresh and ply;

And hill-hid tides throb, throe on throe,

And meadow rivulets overflow,

And drops on gate bars hang in a row,

And rooks in families homeward go,

And so do I.


- Thomas Hardy


I. What weather does the speaker talk about in the first stanza?

 II. How does the nightingale sing?

 III. What do young girls wear?

 IV. Why does the speaker dislike the weather described in the second stanza?

 V. Where do rooks go?

 2. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. [10]

Cabbage White

Sarah and Jamie stood on their tiptoe and gave the card from their school to the tall man behind the counter of a farm. The man frowned and made a face.

"So you're looking for some work, and who are you?" "I'm Sarah. I'm twelve. This is my brother Jamie, he's eleven."

"Shouldn't you be at school?"

"We are on holiday. And would like to earn some money and support our parents." The man lifted his hat and scratched his head. "Working on the farm is a quite tough job for kids like you. I need somebody big and strong to work here," he said.

"There must be some work for us in this big farm. Could you please find one?" Sarah pleaded.

"And right. Let's see. Do you know what a Cabbage White is?" the man asked.

"Yes, it's a beautiful white butterfly that lays its eggs on cabbages. And those eggs change into caterpillars.", answered Sarah.

"And do you know what the caterpillars do?"

"They eat the cabbage leaves!" shouted Jamie.

"Aren't you afraid of caterpillars?" asked the man.

"Not at all." retorted Sarah.

"Alright. So, I think I have a job for you."

"Oh! Thank you very much. And what is the work?", they said.

I want you to check every single cabbage white in the garden and eliminate all the caterpillars," replied the man.

"Er... how?" wondered Jamie.

"You pick them off and collect them."

"Is it alright if we collect them in one of these pails?"



2.1 Choose and copy the correct answer from the given alternatives. [5x1=5)

I. How did the farm owner feel when the children gave him the card ?

A. poor farmers      B. farm workers     C. worried      D. sympathetic

II. Who were Sarah and Jamie ?

A. poor farmers      B. farm workers     C. students            D. travellers

III. What did Sarah and Jamie want to do ?

A. visit a new place          B. enjoy their holiday                  C. work to support their parents     D. stay in a man's farm

IV. What did Sarah ask for with the owner of the farm?

A. a work     B. white butterfly    C. some money     D. a day off

V. What job did Sarah and Jamie get? A. checking the cabbage ?

A. checking the cabbage B. picking the cabbage    C. killing the caterpillar         D. removing the caterpillars


2.2 Answer the following questions. [5x1=5)

I.  How old was the youngest child?

II. How can you say that the children's parents were not rich? Give a reason.

III. What kind of worker was the farm owner looking for?

IV. Why were the caterpillars a problem for the farm owner?

V. What tool did the children want to use to collect the caterpillars?


3. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow.          [10]

The construction of the Dhangadhi-Dipayal fast track has been abandoned. Dhangadhi and Dipayal are the respective headquarters of the Kailali and Doti districts. Earlier, when Dhangadhi was chosen as the provincial capital, the state's political leaders, including the Chief Minister, had committed to complete the fast track in two years.


According to the initial Detailed Project Report (DPR), the fast track covered 84 kilometers between Kailali's Khutiya to Dipayal However, after the project came under the purview of the provincial government, the fast track was extended to 105 km to connect Dhangadhi with Dipayal via Khutiya, which is half the length of the Dhangadhi-Dadeldhura-Dipayal highway on which the locals now travel.

A second Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) for this project had to be carried out. Birendra Bahadur Chand, the engineer in charge of the second EIE, says another EIE was necessary because more trees were being felled. "The second EIE report is now collecting dust at the Ministry of Forest and Environment. Construction could not proceed as there were trees on the track," he says.


Apart from blacktopping, there have already been applications for five other construction works on the fast track. The section from Dhangadhi's Hasanpur to Khutiya is now 80 percent omplete. Except for a maintenance contract worth Rs. 7.1 million, all the work on the fast track is in disarray.


3.1 Fill in the blanks with the correct information from the text.   [5x1=5]

I. Dhangadhi also served as…………… capital in the past.

II. In the initial DPR, the fast tract covered.............. kilometers.

III. Birendra Bahadur Chand is............. of second EIE.

IV. The main obstruction for the construction is the trees................

V. Eighty percent of work is complete in the section from...........


3.2 Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

I. What had the Chief Minister committed to do?

II . Which organization was responsible for the extension of the fast track to Khutiya?

III. What does EIE stand for?

IV. Why was the next EIE needed?

V. What amount of money is allocated for the maintenance of the fast track?


4. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. [15]

On 25 October 1881, a baby boy was born in Malaga, Spain. It was a difficult birth and to help him breathe cigar smoke was blown into his nose! This baby grew up to be one of the twentieth century's greatest painters- PABLO PICASSO.


Picasso showed his genius from a very young age. His first word was Lapiz (Spanish for pencil) and he could draw before ne could talk. He was the only son in the family, so he was thoroughly spoiled. He hated school and often refused to go unless he was allowed to take one of his father's pet pigeons with him!


Apan from pigeons, his great love was art. When in 1891 his father got a job as an art teacher, Pablo went with him to work and watched him paint. Sometimes he was allowed to help. One evening, his father was painting a picture of their pigeons when he had to leave the room. When he returned, Pablo had completed the picture. It was so beautiful and lifelike that he gave his son his palette and brushes and never painted again. Pablo was just thirteen.


His genius as an artist was soon recognized by many people, but others were shocked by his strange and powerful paintings. He is probably best known for his Cubist pictures. His portraits of people were often made up of triangles and squares with their features in the wrong places. One of his most famous portraits was the American writer Gertrude Stein, who he met after he'd moved to Paris in 1904.


His work changed ideas about art around the world, and to millions of people, modern art means the work of Picasso, Guernica, which he painted in 1937, records the bombing of that small Basque town during the Spanish Civil War, and is undoubtedly one of the masterpieces of modern painting.


4.1 Match the meanings in Column 'A' with the words in Column 'B'. One word does not have a match.  [5x1=5]


Column 'A'                                                               Column 'B'


I. to allow a child to do anything it wants                            A. genius

II. an artist's greatest work                                                  B. spoil

III. a painting of a person                                          C. refuse

IV. a brilliant person                                                            D. portrait

V. to say that you will not do the thing you are asked to do          E. masterpiece

F. feature


4.2 Choose and copy the correct alternatives to answer the following questions.


I. Why was cigar smoke sent into the boy's mouth?

A. to ease his birth           B. to ease his breathing

C. to make him a painter D. to grow him up

II. Why was Picasso given a special care by his parents?

A. because he hated school       B. because he was a painter

C. because he was the only son of the family          D. because he loved his father's pet

III. When did Picasso complete his first painting?

A. when his father had gone out B. when his father had got a job

C. when he had met Gertrude Stein    D. when there was war in Spain

IV. What is Picasso popular for?

A. portraits of people                  B. the difficult birth

C. because he was the only son of the family III. C. his cubist pictures        D. modern painting

V. Which of Picasso's artworks is known as an excellent work?

A. Gertrude Stein   B. Spanish Civil War        C. Cubist pictures        D. Guernica


4.3 Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

I. State the conditions on which Picasso would go to school.

II. Describe Picasso's first painting.

II. What is special about Picasso's portraits of people?

IV. Mention the time when Picasso met the American writer.

V. When did Picasso paint Guernica?


5.  Write a set of rules and regulations to be followed in a hospital. [5]

free ticket for children....... silence.............. wait for turn............ wastes in the bin.......... visiting time food not allowed for patients............. outside food not allowed for patients……


6. Write a 'thank you' letter to your aunt who has recently come to Nepal from Australia, and has brought you a  dictionary. Use the clues given below. [5]

very useful for study............find............ meanings of difficult words..........learn English usages …………. synonyms  and antonyms…… sounds of English............ verb patterns ...... improve English..............


7. Suppose you want to change your school after the SEE. So, you are on a visit to learn about a school. You have many questions to ask to the school principal. Write a dialogue between you and the principal of the new school (in six exchanges) in about 150 words.[6]


8. "Single-family concept is going to shift our cultural values and norms of joint family." Write an essay expressing your views mentioning at least four advantages and four disadvantages of a single family in about 200 words. [8]


9. Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in the brackets. [6x1=6]

I. They don't have a very nice house,...........? (Supply the correct tag.)

II. Raju visits Pokhara two times a week. (Change into 'How often' question.)

III. I have some textbooks in my room. (Change into negative.)

IV. When I (open) the fridge, I saw a packet of sausages. (Use the correct form of the verb 'open' in the brackets.)

V. Her mother said to her, 'Don't go out.' (Change into indirect speech.)

VI. The chapter will be read next time. (Change into active voice.)


10. Choose and copy the correct answer from the brackets to complete the given text. (Rewriting is not required. Write the letters of the blank spaces and the correct answer.) [10x0.5=5]


The Arabs who (a)…………. (were/have/are/is) not in cities live in the desert all year round. They live (b).............(at/in/on/with) tents that can be put up and taken down easily and quickly, so they may move from one place to another. These desert Arabs eat ripe, sweet figs, and also the dates that (c)..........(have grown/are growing/grew/grow) upon the palm tree. They have the (d)......... (strongly/strong/stronger/strongest) horses in the world. (e)........... (The/A/An/No article) Arabs love their horses almost as much asthey love their wives and children. They never put a heavy load upon him, and often let him (f)..........(stayed to stay/staying/stay) with their families. The camel is much more useful to them (g)...........(however/so/therefore/because) he is much longer and stronger. One camel can carry as much as, or more than, two horses, (h).......... (can't they/cannot it/can't it/can they)? A camel with goods (i) ………(rides/is ridden/has ridden/is riding) for miles and miles across the desert just as if he is really the "ship of the desert", which he is often called. People often ask……..j………( why they love/why they loved/why do they love/why did they love) their horses and camels

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