
Saturday, August 3, 2024

SEE English Questions 2080 (2024) RE-1011 'Ko.P' (Koshi Province)



SEE Examination 2080 (2024)


SEE Examination (New Course) [2080 (2024)] RE-1011 'Ko.P' (Koshi Province)

 Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable. Figures in the margin indicate the full marks.

Time: 3 hrs.                                                                                                    Full Marks: 75

Attempt all the questions.

1. Read the poem 'Climbing' by Amy Lowell and fill in the blanks with the correct information from the poem. [51=5]

High up in the apple tree climbing I go,

With the sky above me, the earth below.


Each branch is the step of a wonderful stair

Which leads to the town I see shining up there.


Climbing, climbing, higher and higher.


The branches blow and I see a spire,

The gleam of a turret, the glint of a dorme,

All sparkling and bright, like white sea foam.


On and on, from bough to bough,

The leaves are thick, but I push my way through;

Before, I have always had to stop,

But, to-day I am sure I shall reach the top.


Today to the end of the marvelous stair,

Where those glittering pinacles flash in the air!

Climbing, climbing, higher I go,

With the sky close above me, the earth far below.


- Amy Lowell


The speaker in this poem is (1)....... high up in the apple tree. She compares each branch of a tree with a (II)......Se again. However, she thinks she will (V)...... the top. of the tree while climbing, which leads her to (IV)............. time and experiences a lot of difficulties due to the (III).........


2. Read the foliowing text and do the tasks that follow. [10]



When you get a break, take your phone or camera, walk to a park, and take pictures. You do not have to be a pro photographer or have the best gear in the market to pick up this rewarding hobby. , and a good understanding of basic photography skills like lighting

All you need is a good eye, a camera or a smartphone depth, and exposure. The best part of the photography hobby is that you can preserve memories and have beautiful pictures on your walls.




Writing is one of the most popular hobbies that people enjoy because of the freedom. People write everything and anything from how they spent their day to new recipes. Writing joumais to keep track of your daily activities is also a great way to handle stress, relax, and boost productivity. Studies show that the world's most successful people keep journals.

Also, if you feel the need to share your knowledge on a particular topic or niche, feel free to write a blog. It's always a great way to express yourself and connect with people of like-minds. And you could also try writing a book or poem. It doesn't have to feel major before you write it down.


2.1 Write 'TRUE' for true statements and 'FALSE' for the false ones. [5x1=5]

I. Photography can be a paying hobby.

II. Pictures help you recall your past.

III. You need a lot of knowledge to start with a writing hobby.

IV. Writing connects the people having different thoughts.

V. You cannot share your knowledge through writing.


2.2 Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

I. What basic abilities of photography do you need to have?

II. What is the benefit of the photography hobby?

III. In what way is writing the most popular hobby?

IV. Do you think journal writing helps to manage stress? Give a reason.

V. According to the text, when should you write blogs?


3. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. [10]

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is a voluntary-funded international organization with a presence in over 150 countries, including Nepal. UNFPA is guided by the Programme of Action of the 1994 Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and the Sustainable Development Goals. Its mission is to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.


Position: Operations and Compliance Analyst

Location: Kathmandu, Nepal

Full/Part-time: Full Time

Fixed term/Temporary: Fixed Term

Rotational/Non-Rotational: Non-rotational

Deadline: 9 February 2024 by 5:30 PM NPT


Duration: 1 Year initially with the possibility of extension

The Operations and Compliance Analyst provides support on financial management, assurance activities, financial reporting and will provide dedicated operational support to facilitate the implementation and delivery of projects. S/he provides guidance and support to the Project Coordination Specialist, EWPN, and other Project Managers in strategically undertaking financial functions. The position will be based at the UNFPA country office, Kathmandu, and will work under the guidance and direct supervision of the International Operations Manager.


3.1 Fill in the blanks with correct information from the text. [5x1=5]

This is an advertisement for the post off...........The details of the advertisement can be found in the organization's (1).............The prospective candidate will provide support for managing (III).... Upon selection, the candidate is expected to provide (IV).............. to other staff such as Project Managers in (V)............ financial operations.


3.2 Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

I. What does UNFPA stand for?

II. Write one important task that UNFPA ensures.

III. How long is the selected candidate likely to work for?

IV. Where will the selected candidate work?

V. Who will supervise the works of the selected candidate?


4. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. [15]

A father one day asked his daughters, "What is the sweetest thing in the world?" "Sugar" said the alder daughter. "Salt, said he younger daughter. Her father thought that she was making fun of him, but she stuck to her opinion. The father was persistent but so was his daughter. A quarrel broke out between them over this small matter, and he drove her out of the house, saying: "As you think that salt is sweeter than sugar, you had better find another home where the cooking is more to your taste." It was a beautiful summer night, and as the pretty maiden sat singing sadly in the forest around her father's cottage, a young prince, who had lost the way while hunting the deer, heard her voice, and came to ask her the way. Then, struck by her beauty, fell in love with her, took her home to his beautiful palace and married her.


The bride invited her father to the wedding feast, without telling him that she was his daughter. All the dishes were prepared without salt, and the guests began to complain as they ate the tasteless food. "There is no salt in the meat!" they said angrily. "Ah", said the bride's father. "Salt is truly the sweetest thing in the world! But when my daughter said so, I turned her out of my house. If only I could see her again and tell her how sorry I am!"


Lastly, drawing the bridal veil aside from her face, the happy girl went to her father and kissed him. Now properly salted dishes were brought in and all the guests were satisfied.


4.1 Match the meanings in Column 'A' with the correct words in Column 'B'. One word does not have a match.[5x1=5]


Column 'A'                                         Column 'B'

I. unmarried girl                                   A. persistent

II. continuing strongly                          B. broke out

III. started suddenly                             C. maiden

IV. official resident of a king                D. palace

V. concerning to a newly married couple        E. prepared

                                                            F. bridal

4.2 Put the following sentences in the correct order.[5x1=5]

I. The father realized that salt was truly the sweetest thing in the world.

II. The prince fell in love and married the younger daughter.

III. The younger daughter was driven out of the house.

IV. In the wedding feast, all the dishes were prepared without salt.

V. The father asked his daughters what the sweetest thing in the world was.


4.3 Answer the following questions.[5x1=5]

I. What was the elder daughter's reply to her father's question?

II. What was the cause of quarrel between the father and his younger daughter?

III. How can you say that the younger daughter was persistent?

IV. What made the father feel sorry for his behavior against his younger daughter?

V. Why did the father wish to see his younger daughter at the end? Write a recipe in about 100 words for a food item that you can cook the best using the given

5. Write a recipe in about 100 words for a food item that you can cook the best using the given clues. [5]


name of the food...ingredients and amount................... cooking methods.............


6. Write a message of condolence in about 100 words to be published in a local newspaper based on the clues given below. [5]

John Antonio....... famous actor 31 years..... performed roles in a number of Hollywood movies message to the bereaved family..............

7. Compose a dialogue between you and your friend talking about the quality of the 'Day Meal' provided to the students inyour school (in six exchanges) in about 150 words. [6]


8. Write a review of a film or a book that you have recently seen or read in about 200 words. You may talk about characterisation, strengths and weaknesses, and recommendations you want to make. [8]


9. Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in the brackets. [6x1=6]

I. Kindly close the door, .......... (Supply the correct tag.)

II. The dog frightened him yesterday. (Change into "When' question.)

III. I .....(not see) any film lately. (Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb see'.)

IV. We must not use the computer in full brightness. (Change into passive voice.)

V. The student asked the teacher whether he could come in. (Change into direct speech.)

VI. The bus has not arrived yet. (Change into affirmative.)


10. Choose and copy the correct answer from the brackets to complete the given text. (Rewriting is not required. Write the letters of the blank spaces and the correct answer.) [10×0.5=5]


Once a chief decides to give (a) (the/an/a/ no article) feast for his people. All of them (b) were asked/asked/had asked) to come with a bottle of palm wine and pour it into a pot (c) the feast day, people put on their best clothes and (d) .... (have been asked/ (of/at/on/ in) the door. On (were walked/ walk/ had walked/ walked) to the chief's house. They poured their bottles into a very big pot. A man also wanted to go to the feast, (e) had no palm wine at home. His wife told him that he (f) (because/ and/ but/ although) he (will buy/ had to buy / must buy / has to buy) a bottle. He thought and said, "A bottle of water cannot be that bad for so much wine, (g) (cannot it/ can it/ can't it/ could it)? "So he went with a bottle of water and poured it into the pot and sat at the table to eat. The chief said, "(h) ........... (Let me drink/ Let's drink/Let drink/ Let it drink) wine, dear guests!" All the guests had their glasses (i)......... (filling/ fill/ to fill/ filled) with liquor. But what they drank was not palm wine, but water! Everyone had brought water in their bottles, if not it (j) wouldn't have/ won't have/ can't have) tasted water.


The End

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