
Sunday, August 4, 2024

SEE Examination English Question (New Course) [2080 (2024)] RE-1011 'BP' (Bagmati Province)


SEE Examination 2080 (2024)

 SEE Examination (New Course) [2080 (2024)] RE-1011 'BP' (Bagmati Province)

 Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable. Figures in the margin indicate the full marks.

 Attempt all the questions.

 1. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with the correct information from the text.

Sometimes it's right on the box of rice mix-the high-altitude version of cooking instructions. Usually, this means that your rice will have to cook a little bit longer if you are in Denver or at the top of Mount Everest. Of course, that's just a joke. No one cooks rice at the top of Everest. But why are the instructions even different? Why does it matter where you cook? The answer has to do with boiling water.


You ask some people on the street about the boiling temperature of water. Some might say 212°F or even better 100°C-but that's not always true. As you increase your altitude above sea level, the boiling point of water decreases by about 1°F for every 500 feet increase. That means your water in Denver is going to be 203°F and this will have an impact on your cooking. But why?


1. The cooking instructions are found on...............

II. Cooking rice at the top of Mount Everest is a ............. for the writer.

III. People think that water boils at...............centigrade which is not true for the writer.

IV. The writer thinks that water does not boil always at……………. Fahrenheit.

V. At the increase of every 500 feet altitude, the boiling point of water.............


2. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. [10]


Pratap Malle was a vastly-learned king and a poet. He could compose poems in Sanskrit, Nepal Bhasa, Nepali, Bengali and Hindi. He also knew Arabic, Roman and English scripts. Because of his excellent poems, he conferred on himself the title of Kabeendra, a king of poets.


Himself learned. Pratap Malla had a galaxy of learned men in his palace as the Mughal Emperor Akbar- had. Like Akbar, he also respected and patronised the scholars of his time.


Lambakarma Bhatta, who hailed from Maharastra, Nri Simha Thakur, from Bihar and Jamana Gurubhaju of Kantipur were some of the jewels in the galaxy of scholars in his palace. He was also very fond of music. So, musicians were welcomed and respected in his palace.


Pratap Malla had five sons Bhupendra, Chakrabartendra, Nripendra, Mahipatendra and Parthibendra. He wanted his sons to have experience in the administration of the country while he was still living. He made each of them rule over the country for one year in turn. But unfortunately, his second son Chakrabartendra Malla died the next day he took over the administration of the country. Both the king and queen were greatly grieved at his death. To console the grieving queen, he made a huge pond in front of the present Tri-Chandra College. The pond is known as Ranipokhari.


Pratap Malla had a sudden death while he was watching the religious dance of Harisiddhi.


2.1 Choose and copy the correct answer to answer the following questions.



1. Which one of the following would prove that Pratap Malla was a leamed King?

A. He composed poems in many languages.

B. He was conferred with the title "Kabeendra."

C. He had learned men in his palace.

D. He promoted scholars in his palace.


2. Which of the following is common between Pratap Malla and Akabar?

A. respect for the scholars


B. title of Kabeendra


C. galaxy of learned men


D. sudden death


III. Which of the following people was not among the group of scholars in Pratap Malla's palace?

A. Jamana Gurubhaju

B. Nripendra Malla

C. Lambarkarna Bhatta

D. Nrisimha Thakaur

IV. What was unfortunate to Pratap Malla?

A. having five sons

B. having many scholars in his palace

C. death of Chakrabartendra Malla

D. ability to compose poems

 V. Why did Pratap Malla have his sons rule over the country in turn?

 A. to help them learn administrative work.

B. to make them learned scholars.

C. to divide the country among them.

D. To get help for administrative work.


2.2 Put the following sentences in the correct order. [5x1=5]


I. Pratap Malla's son died on the second day of handling the administration.


II. Pratap Malla was a knowledgeable king.


III. Pratap Malla had five sons to succeed him.


IV. Pratap Malla had a sudden death while watching a religious dance.


V. Pratap Malla was among the galaxy of scholars in the palace.

3. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. [10]


New regulations for Nepali travellers on visit, tourist visas abroad from today

Kathmandu, January 24

The Immigration Department has rolled out a series of additional regulations for travelers heading abroad in visit and tourist visa beginning today. According to the Immigration Department, applicants for these visas are now mandated to posses a valid passport with a minimum validity of six months. Moreover, they must furnish essential documents, including the visa for the desstination country, round-trip tickets, proof of accommodation for the entire duration of their stay, or citizenship certificates demonstrating a familial relationship if residing with relatives. In addition to these requirements, those visiting at the invitation of organizations must also submit the invitation letter from the respective entities or must showcase financial capacity by providing evidence of at least $500 in cash or an equivalent amount in debit/credit cards.


For travellers heading to the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, and Saudi Arabia, a self-declaration form must be completed at the Immigration Office, explicitly stating the purpose of their visit and ensuring that it is voluntary and will not result in overstaying.

3.1 Write 'TRUE' for true statements and 'FALSE' for the false ones. [5x1=5]

I. Travellers, whose passports have three months to expire, can go abroad.

 II. Travellers without having return tickets can also travel.

 III. Travellers must present evidence of where intend to stay.

IV. Organizational invitees must present the invitation letter. stay.

V. The travellers must pay $500 in cash to the Immigration Department.


3.2 Answer the following questions [5x1=5]

I.  What is the news about?

II. What does the word 'these' in the second sentence refer to?

III. On what condition do the travelers require submission of their citizenship certificates?

IV. Where is the self-declaration form available?

V. Who is the targeted audience of this text?


4. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow.[15]


It's really true what people say about English politeness: It's everywhere. When squeezing past someone on a narrow space, people say 'sorry'. When getting off a bus, English passengers say 'thank you' to the driver. In Germany, people would never dream of doing this: bus drivers are just doing their job! I used to think the German way; I was in Britain for a few years. I understood that there were more polite ways of treating people and I began to adopt some of those ways too!


When people buy something in a shop, both the customer and shop assistant usually thank each other twice or more. In Germany, it would be unusual to hear more than one 'thank you' in such a conversation. British students thank their lecturers when leaving the room. English employers thank their employees for doing their jobs, but Germans think that paying their workers money is already thanks enough!


But there is another side to British politeness. One word that comes to mind here is 'artificial'. Although it is enjoyable to talk with friendly people, it has often made me wonder what the English really think. In fact, this confused me during my stay in England. Everyone at the University I attended seemed to like me and people in my class were kind and friendly but I found it hard to understand who my friend was really and who was just being polite.


I must say that British politeness is a little puzzling to me. For example, I often wonder why the English lose it when they drink too much. And then I think: maybe, drinking is a good excuse for being rude once in a while. After all, having to be polite all the time can be stressful, right?

 4.1 Match the meanings in column 'A' with the correct words in column 'B'. One word does not have a match. [5x1=5]

 Column 'A'                                                     Column 'B'

 I. moving through a limited area           A. stressful

II. . to take up or practice                                B. excuse

III. deviating from commonness           C. friendly

IV. showing kindly interest and goodwill        D. adopt

V. full of mental or physical burden                E. squeezing

F unusual


4.2 Choose the correct alternative to answer the questions given below. [5x1=5]



I. When do British people say 'sorry'?

A. When they get off the bus

B. When they find their way in the crowd

C. When they make mistakes

D. When they walk alone in a narrow space


II. Which of the following is TRUE about Germany?

A. Customers and sales assistants thank once only.

B. Customers and sales assistants thank twice or more.

C. Customers and sales assistants do not thank each other.

D. Customers and sales assistants are indifferent.


III. Why did the author change his mind when he spent time in Britain?

A. He learnt more ways of politeness.

B. He simply followed the British people.

C. He did not like the British people.

D. He liked the British way of politeness.

 IV. What does the word 'artificial' in the third paragraph signify?

 A.   Politeness is just a show-off.

B.    Politeness is real.

C . Politeness helps make more friends.

D. Politeness is enjoyable.

V. What did the author use to think about politeness?

A. It is required.

B. It is not required.

C.   It is a way of life.

D.   . It is a must.


4.3 Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]


I.  What do German people think about bus drivers?


II.  Are British customers polite to the shop assistants? Give a reason.


III. Why do German employers not thank their employees?


IV. Why was the author confused during his stay in England?


V. When do British people not become polite?


5. Study the given table and interpret it with the information provided in about 100 words.

Kathmandu to Pokhara Bus Service


Type of Bus



Departure Time


Leaving From


Deluxe Bus

Rs. 700


7:00 am



Super Deluxe

Rs. 800


7:00 am



VIP Deluxe

Rs. 2000


7:30 am


Kings Way

Super VIP Deluxe

Rs. 2200

7:00 am


Kings Way


Rs. 700


7:10 am



 6. You planning to celebrate your birthday at your home. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to attend the birthday party in about 100 words using the clues given below. [5]



5 p.m. in the members and friendsbirthday cake.....delicious meal…….singing and dancing


7. Write a couple of paragraphs in about 150 words expressing your views highlighting the usefulness of social media platforms for study. [6]


8. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in about 200 words making a complaint about the poor condition of roads/streets in your locality. State any two problems faced by the people and also suggest two ways for improvement.


9. Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in the brackets. [6x1=6]

I. We must obey our parents, ............ (Supply the correct tag.).

II. They have already done it. (Change into negative.)

III. Are they helping the woman? (Change into passive.)

IV. Before the police came, the thief .....(run) away. (Use the correct form of the verb 'run' given in the brackets.)

V. They said, "Hurrah! We have won the match." (Change into indirect speech.)

VI . Bread is made from flour. (Change into 'what' questions.)


10. Choose and copy the correct answer from the brackets to complete the given text. (Rewriting is not required. Write the letters of the blank spaces and the correct answer.) [10×0.5=5]

Getting up early in the morning is one of (a)………. (a/an/ the/ no article) healthy habits. Many people are not interested(b) ..... (at on in for) it.  You have to go to bed early for an early rise,……………… (c) (have you do you/ haven't you don't you?) The healthy people (d).......... (is/are/ was/ has) recognized by their work stamina. Many sports academies.(e).......(work are working worked have been working) hard on health aspects for a long time. Balanced diet is another important crosscutting issue for keeping an individual healthy. If we (f) …………(have/had/had had would have) balanced diet, we can be healthy. We (g)……………….. (prescribe/ prescribed/ have prescribed/ are prescribed) the quantity of nutrients by nutritionists. They also advise us (h)……………. (don't take/ not to take/ not take/ didn't take) spicy and oily food to be healthy Yoga is another important requirement for us to keep ourselves healthy. We should do yoga (i)……………… (so that in order to because as) we can keep ourselves mentally and spiritually healthy. Many Yoga clubs are established considering this fact. They make us (j)........ (is/ be/ was/have been) aware about keeping ourselves healthy.



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