
Sunday, August 4, 2024

SEE Examination English Question (New Course) [2080 (2024)] RE-1011 'GP (Gandaki Province)


SEE Examination 2080 (2024)

SEE Examination (New Course) [2080 (2024)] RE-1011 'GP (Gandaki Province)

Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable. Figures in the margin indicate the full marks.

Time: 3 hrs.                                                                                                    Full Marks: 75

Attempt all the questions.

1. Read the poem and fill in the blanks with the correct information from the poem. [5x1=5] 

The Voice of the Rain

And who art thou? said I to the soft-falling shower,

Which, strange to tell, gave me an answer, as here translated:

I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain,

Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea,

Upward to heaven, whence, vaguely form'd, altogether changed, and yet the same,

I descend to lave the droughts, atomies, dust-layers of the globe,

And all that in them without me were seeds only, latent, unborn;

And forever, by day and night, I give back life to my own origin,

and make pure and beautify it

(For song, issuing from its birth-place, after fulfilment, wandering,

Reck'd or unreck'd, duly with love returns.)


-Walt Whitman


All of a "The Voice of the Rain' is an account of the poet's (I).....with the rain. The poet asks the rain about its (II)……………. All of sudden, the rain, as a bodiless human being, replies that she is a 'Poem of Earth', and travels from the land and the deep sea towards the (llI) different forms. The rain explains that she descends down to the earth to wash the droughts and dust from (IV).......... and leads to the creation of life. The rain compares its process of continuous regeneration to the way a song returns to its (V)......... The way bits and pieces of the lyrics and tones might change in due course of its journey, but it retains Its identity all the same.


2. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. [10]


You might think that you need to boil liquid water to create water vapour-but you don't. You just need some liquid water at room temperature (or any temperature). Picture a glass of water. If you could zoom in with supervision (not actually possible). you would see that this water is made of a bunch of molecules-water molecules. Although these molecules are themselves made of three atoms (two hydrogens, and one oxygen), let's just think of them as tiny balls.


These tiny water balls are moving around in the water but stay fairly close to their ball neighbours. This motion isn't due to currents in the water, instead, this is thermal motion. Imagine these tiny balls jiggling around in a giant collection of balls: The hotter the water, the greater the motion of these water balls. But wait! The speeds of the water particles are not all the same. Although there is an average ball speed, some are going faster and some are going slower. It's just like the height of a group of adult humans. There is an average height, but everyone is not the same. Some people are very tall, but that's just a small fraction of the total group. 2.1


2.1 Write 'TRUE' for true statements and 'FALSE' for the false ones. [5x1=5]

I. The author claims that water vapour is formed only at boiling temperature.

II. Water molecules are easily visible.

III. Water molecules are taken as tiny water balls in the text.

IV. The tiny water balls move at the same speed.

V.  Average height means all the people are of the same height.


2.2 Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

I. What is the cause of the movement of water particles in room temperature?

II. What are water molècules made up of?

III. How does heat affect the movement of water particles?

V. What is done to measure the movement of molecules?

IV. Why does the author compare the speed of water particles to the heights of adult humans?


3. 3. Read the text and do the tasks that follow. [10]


Fast-growing company in the FMCG sector has the following vacancy. We currently manufacture litchi juice and energy drink.

Position: Regional Sales Manager

Basic Job Information

Job Category                   : Sales/Public Relations

Job Level                          : Mid Level

No. of Vacancies              : 2

Employment Type            : Full Time

Offered Salary                  : Negotiable

Apply Before                    : Feb. 14, 2024

Job Specification

Education Level                         : Under Graduate (Bachelor)

Experience Required                 : More than 5 years

Professional Skill Required        : Leadership Skills (Communication, Organizational and Analytical)

Other Specification

Bachelor's degree in Business, Sales, or a related field (Master's degree is a plus).

·      Proven experience as a Sales Manager or in a similar role.

·      Demonstrated success in achieving sales targets and leading a high-performance sales team.

·      Strong analytical, organizational, and leadership skills.

·      Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities,

·      Knowledge of the industry and market trends.

·      Candidates with prior beverage inclustry expertise are given preference.

Job Description

·      Develop and implement effective sales strategies to achieve or exceed sales targets.

·      Analyze market trends, competitor activities, and customer needs to identify new business opportuni Collaborate with the senior management team to align sales strategies with overall company objecti

·      Recruit, train, and mentor a high-performing sales team.

·      Provide ongoing coaching and performance feedback to ensure the team's success.

·      Foster a positive and collaborative team culture.


A. Fill in the blanks with the correct information from the text. [5x1=5]

(a ) The company which has published the vacancy produces ...............

(b) The last date to apply for the job is………….

(c) The company prefers the applicant having

(d) The selected candidate should develop ……………….to achieve sales targets.

(e) The selected candidate has to provide coaching and feedback to get……….


B. Answer the following questions.

(a)  What is the advertised post?

(b) How is the salary the selected candidate gets decided?

(c) What experience should the applicant have?

(d) Why does the company prefer the candidates having experience in a beverage industry?

(e) How can the selected candidate identify new business opportunities?



4. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. [15]


Teaching is not an easy job. In addition, when it comes to teaching science, it becomes more tiresome. Different teaching methodologies, including ICT, plus more investment in terms of money and time are needed to get satisfactory output. Science is a subject of curiosity, inquisitiveness and questioning. There are many sub-branches of science. Even at the secondary level, four major branches of science-physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy are incorporated. These four make up the basics of all sciences. Moreover, these fields are completely independent and unconnected.

Then how come a single teacher at the secondary level, especially in community schools and many English medium private schools, is teaching all these subjects when one has mastered only one field? For better output, individual teachers should be managed, especially at the secondary level, to teach these subjects.

Only lectures and discussion methods are not sufficient to make the students understand the scientific concepts. Laboratory experiments, field visits, project work too are essential ingredients of science study. The essence of teaching science is not only to make students learn by heart the definitions of work, energy, cell, Newton's law of motion, light year and the like, but also to make them able to use them in the laboratory research centre and medical and engineering sectors. Therefore, instead of making science a mandatory subject, it must be made elective from the very beginning, that is, after the primary level so that only those students who are truly interested and have the capacity and confidence to grab the concepts in this field can pursue it. We have seen many students pursuing science in classes 11 and 12; however, they seem to be confused about where they are heading. Therefore, teachers as well as the parents should counsel them in choosing the right path and mustn't force them

to choose science even if they manage to grab a high GPA.


4.1 Match the meanings in Column 'A' with the correct words given in Column 'B'. One word does not have a match. [5x1=5]

Column 'A'                                                    Column 'B'

I. central character of something                    A investment

II. required or made compulsory by law         B. independent

III. not relying on others                                  C. experiment

IV. the act of putting money                            D essence

V a process of making a discovery                E. mandatory

F. confidence




4. 2 Choose and copy the correct alternatives to answer the following questions. [5x1=5]


I. What type of text is it?

A. news story

B. newspaper article

C. notice

D. review

II. What is required for effective teaching of Science?

A. modern teaching methods and more investment

B. lectures and discussion methods

C. definitions of scientific terms

D. students having high GPA

III. Which of the following is one of the major branches of Science?


B. laboratory

C. after class five

D. from class eleven

V. Which of the following should be the basis for students to choose science to study?

A. teacher's advice

b. parent's force

C. their interest

D. obtained GPA

4.3 Write 'TRUE' for true statements and 'FALSE' for the false ones.

I. Teachers find it easy to teach science.

II. There are only four branches of science.

III. Studying one branch of science does not help in learning the next branch.

IV. Memorising the definitions of scientific terms is the essence of teaching science.

V. The students studying science in classes 11 and 12 are not sure about their careers.

5. Study the following pie chart and write a short description in about 100 words. You may use the clues given bellow. [5]

Food: 20%

Cloths: 20%

Education: 30%

Entertainment: 10%

Rent: 10%

Saving: 10%

Clues:  Aarsin................. monthly income 20,000…………maximum expense in education……………. in food and clothes…………saving

 7. Write a story in about 100 words using the clues given below. [5]

evening time........ a lot of traffic.........Mohan driving home............. two teenagers overtake……….. sees people gathering…………stops to see……….. teenagers injured………………… ambulance arrives….. Mohan follows them to hospital…….donates blood.......... gain consciousness..........................realize their mistake.......... haste makes waste


8. You may have attended a business fair recently. Now, write a paragraph narrating your experience in about 150 words.         [8]


9. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in about 200 words on 'insufficient water supply in your locality. State two major causes and two possible measures to solve the problem.[8]


10. Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in the brackets. [6x1=6]


I.They used to live here, .............? (Supply the correct tag.)

II. Nepal has seven provinces. (Change into "How many" questions.)

III. The thief had only just opened the sofa when the owner (arrive)........ (Use the correct form of the verb 'arrive' given in the brackets.)

IV. The people are planting trees in the garden. (Change into passive voice.)

V. My mother asked me why I was late that day. (Change into direct speech.)

VI. They left the town yesterday. (Change into negative.)


10. Choose and copy the correct answer from the brackets to complete the given text. (Rewriting is not required. Write the letters of the blank spaces

and the correct answer.) [10x0.5=5]


The food we eat is (a)...........(a/an/the/nothing) greatest supply of energy. We also get energy from other sources, (b) ........(do we/didn't we/don't we/wouldn't we)? The food we eat (c).........(supply/supplies/supplied/have supplied) the fuel

for the body. Everything we eat (d)........... (do/does/has/did) not help us to supply nutrients in the similar way.....(e)....... (However/Although/In spite of/Because), they do not leave us hungry. Experts say, "Food (f)...... (affects/affect/has affected/affected) our performance." It means our bodily strength depends (g)...........(in/at/of/on) the food we consume. It (h) .... (is said/said/was said/has been said) as a fact that food has a direct connection to our mental health as well. If we eat healthy food, we (i).............. (could have remained/remained/could remain/can remain) healthy. Such claims make us (j) ............(to think/thought/think/to have thought) twice before we eat anything.

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