
Monday, August 5, 2024

SEE Examination (New Course) [2080 (2024)] RE- 1011 'Ka.P.' (Karnali Province) English Question


SEE Examination 2080 (2024)

SEE Examination (New Course) [2080 (2024)] RE- 1011 'Ka.P.' (Karnali Province)

Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable. Figures in the margin indicate  the full marks.

Time: 3 hrs.                                                                                                    Full Marks: 75

Attempt all the questions.

 1. Read the part of a letter below, and answer the questions that follow.


We (Save the Children) are disappointed, however, that you have not expanded this list of young climate leaders to children in all their diversity. Millions of children took part in school strikes for climate action in 2019 and early 2020 and demonstrated their outrage and constructive solutions in equal measure. They have been agents of change in the climate debate using their channels of influence-schools, social media, and street protest- to catalyse global North to the global Sough engaging with political and corporate leaders- in their home countries and also within the international system-most recently at the UN Human Rights Council-claiming their right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a critical foundation to realizing their wellbeing and rights.

 I. Why is Save the Children unhappy?

II. When did the children protest?

III. Who does the word 'they' in the third sentence refer to?

IV. In what way did the children express their outrage in the climate debate?

V. Where have the children protested most recently?

 2. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. [10]

 Many chronic conditions such as cancer, neurological and mental disorders, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and type 2 diabetes can be prevented or modified through better lifestyles and healthier diets.


Many projects are delivering insights such as how diabetes and obesity can be prevented, how they progress, how early diagnosis can improve quality of life, and how to select the best treatments. But despite the improvements, much more needs to be done, particularly because of the trans-generational effects of obesity

and diabetes. Horizon 2020, Europe's 80 billion euro research and innovation programme, is designed to tackle society's biggest challenges. The two things that are most relevant to 'A Healthy Diet for A Healthy Life' are food safety and the bioeconomy, and health, demographic change and well-being.

For the next seven years, these challenges will fund the very best research on nutrition, health, diet-related disease and ageing and translate the knowledge gained into innovative and effective products, treatments, services and strategies to benefit all patients, and to prevent many people from developing disease in the first place.

It will require an unprecedented level of cooperation along the healthcare innovation chain, starting with researchers that characterise diseases, to those who use this knowledge by developing new biomarkers, diagnostics and medicines and to regulators who evaluate and approve them.

 2.1 Write 'TRUE' for true statements and 'FALSE' for the false ones.[5x1=5]

I. Cardiovascular diseases are not chronic diseases.

II. Healthy diets fight against the diseases that continue for a long time.

III. Research studies have given much understanding to improve quality of life.

IV. Trans-generational effects of obesity and diabetes call for no action to all

V. Cooperative activities among healthcare professionals can help prevent chronic diseases.


2.2 Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

I. What type of diseases is type 2 diabetes?

II. Mention any two insights given by the research projects.

III. What is Horizon 2020 designed for?

IV. Which two things are important for a 'A Healthy Diet for A Healthy Life'?

V. How will the knowledge gained from the research benefit all patients?


3. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. [10]

Residents of Saptari district have been hit by a shortage of water lately. Groundwater level has dropped after pumping increased in district over the past few years. The majority of families in Saptari rely on groundwater for both drinking and irrigation purpose.

Expert said the haphazard destruction in Chure is the main reason why the groundwater level has dropped in Saptari.

"We cannot draw water from the tube-well as we did in the past", said Satya Narayan Yadav of Topa. Another local Khadga Nath Yadav, said, "Even when using the boring system, we are unable to extract sufficient water for irrigation purpose Engineer Shailendra Kumar Jha of the Drinking Water and Sanitation Division Office in Rajbiraj said, "Saptari district has not received sufficient rainfall this year. This has also led to the drop in groundwater level." He said, "If the situation continues, Saptari will lace an 5- acute shortage of water in 10 years."


Jha also said an ecological imbalance in the district has contributed to the depletion of groundwater. Most of the rivers and rivulets in the district have started to dry up, and the water level in various ponds has decreased.

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct information from the text. [5x1=5]

 (a) The people of Saptari district face…………

(b) Because of increased pumping in the district …………has decreased.

(c) The main cause of the decrease in the level of ground water in Saptari is…….

(d) Khadga Nath Yadav is the ............... of Saptari district.

(e) Depletion of groundwater was caused due to .................

 B. Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

 (a)  What do I many people in Saptari depend on for drinking water?

(b) How is drawing water from tube-well different at present?

(c) Why do people use the boring system?

(d) Where does Shailendra Kumar Jha work?

(e) According to Shailendra Kumar Jha, what is the reason for decreasing groundwater level?


4. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. [15]


Everyone wants to olimb up the ladder of success and be happy and completely satisfied with their lives. This is the greatest desire of human beings. We struggle throughout our lives to fulfil these desires in whatever way possible. But everyone canno achieve success, and only a few people will be completely successful in fulfilling their desires for happiness, luxury and satisfaction. Success cannot be achieved in a day. It doesn't happen by accident either. It is the sweet result of investing our valuable time with lots of hard work and determination. We should not give up hope while coming up against difficulties, and we have to show great perseverance in the face of each difficulty until our ultimate goal is achieved. Success is never ending and failure is not final.


Success begins with our imagination. Without imagination, we can do nothing towards our success because imagination creates the shape of success which helps us to act upon it. In this sense, we can say that imagination is the engine of life to achieve success. Goals can be achieved only through imagination. So, we must dare to dream bigger if we want to be successful. It is easy to have a big dream, but it is equally difficult to turn it into reality. So, having confidence and working hard at every step of the way towards our dream is much more important than anything else. This is because having a big dream won't make any sense if we do not work hard with good plans.

In my opinion, there are three bold steps which are the key to success and the way to be the person we want to be. They are imagination, confidenice and hard work with plans. First of all, we have to see our future goals from our current state, and we reality with great confidence. Finally, we have to  achieve it. have to paint it beautifully with different colours through our imagination. Then we have to believe that we can change it into try to reach our goals and fulfil it through hard work with good plans.

 4.1 Match the meanings in column 'A' with the words in column 'B'. One word does not have a match. [5x1=5]

 Column 'A'                                                                                Column 'B'

I . in the end                                                                         A. struggle

II. fulfilment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs         B. ladder

III. something we want to achieve                                       C. imagination

IV. make an effort                                                                D. finally

V. a series of steps to climb                                                E. goal

                                                                                             F. Satisfaction



4.2 Write 'TRUE' for true statements and 'FALSE' for the false ones. [5x1=5]

I. Getting success is the greatest human desire.

II. One has to be hopeful in a difficult time to gain success.

III. An imaginative person cannot be successful.

IV. A dream can easily be turned into a reality.

V. The writer mentions three key steps of success in the text.


4.3 Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

I. What does success start with?

II. How does imagination help to get

III. Why is it essential to work hard to achieve our dream?

IV. How can we change our future goals into reality?

V. V. What will help us to fulfil our goal?


5. Read the table below and interpret it in about 100 words by using the clues given below. [5]

Student Enrollment of Different Academic Years of ABC School
















(enrollment in the last four years…………. Decrease in number of boys……..increase in number of girls…….. conclusion)

 6. One of your friends has won the 'Man of the Match Award' in the National Football Tournament and has been selected to participate in the next Olympic Games. Write a message of congratulation to be published in a newspaper on behalf of your school using the given clues in 100 words. [5]


Ram Gelal............ best football player at school.......... deserves the award.......... the result of his hard work and sincerity............everyone proud of him............wish further success.



7. What do you remember about your childhood days? Write your experience in about 150 words. [6]


8. These days many people are migrating to the cities from villages for various reasons. This has made the villages nearly empty and the cities crowded. Write an essay in about 200 words describing at least four reasons why people are migrating to the cities. [8]


9. Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in the brackets. [6x1=6]

I. Let's go to Chitwan,……………......... (Supply the correct tag.)

II. Switch off the radio. (Change into negative.)

III. Mr. Tamang helped Mina to carry the load. (Change into 'Whom' question)

IV. The police (catch) the kidnappers recently. (Use the correct form of the verb 'catch' in the brackets.)

V. The teacher says, "Water flows downwards." (Change into indirect speech.)

VI. Her wallet has been stolen. (Change into active voice.)


10. Choose and copy the correct answer from the brackets to complete the given text. (Rewriting is not required. Write the letters of the blank spaces and the correct answer.) [10x0.5=5]

Once there lived a stork and a fox (a)......... (in/on/at/from) a forest. One day, (b)........ (a/ an/ the/ nothing) fox thought of a plan to make fun of the stork's physique. "Today, (c)....... (you must come and dine with me/ you had to come and dine with him/ you came and dine with me/ will come and done with him)", the fox said. The stork gladly (d.)........ (accepts/ accepted/ had accepted/ was accepted) the invitation and arrived in good time and with a good appetite. Plenty of soup (e).........(was/ were/ have/ has) served for dinner. (f) ........ (Because/ In order to/ Although/ However) it was set out in a shallow dish, the stork could not have a single drop of it. But it (g)........ (easily licked/ was licked easy/ was easily licked/ had easily licked) by the fox. The disappointment of the stork made the fox (h)......... (feeling/ feel/ to feel/ felt) happy. The hungry stork was displeased at the trick, (i) ........ (was we/ wasn't he/ didn't he/ doesn't he)? Still, he remained calm and decided to take a revenge on the fox. Had the fox not mistreated him, he (j)......... (would not think/ can not think/ will not think/ would not have thought) so.

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