
Monday, August 5, 2024

SEE Examination (New Course) [2080 (2024)] RE- 1011 'SP' (Sudurpashchim Province) English Question


SEE Examination 2080 (2024)

SEE Examination (New Course) [2080 (2024)] RE- 1011 'SP' (Sudurpashchim Province)

Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable. Figures in the margin indicate the full marks.

Time: 3 hrs.                                                                                                    Full Marks: 75

Attempt all the questions.

1. Read the following text and put the sentences in the correct order. [5x1=5]

Aranceri on foot rush back and forth, to the sides of the square stacked with orange crates, filling their shoulder bags and bagy tops. As soon as a cart approaches, they charge, bombarding it with oranges. Horses halt, for a few minutes; oranges explode then the cart takes off again, the aranceri chase it for a while, burling the last of their supplies. They wear no protection, and walk around with their hair caked in orange bits, juice running down their faces. Some have broken noses, some clutch a side of their face, arms or ribs. They hold their heads high, shouting their team's war cries.

I. The aranceri make a big noise supporting their team.

II. The game is played without wearing any protection hats.

III. The bombarding activity causes horses to stop for some time.

IV. When the aranceri cart comes near, they start throwing oranges.

V. Aranceri standing on the square are loaded with oranges.

 2. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. [10]

Chuseok, also called Hangawi, is a Korean festive holiday celebrated on the 15th day of August, according to the lunar calendar. The festival is celebrated to commemorate the fall harvest and to honour one's ancestors. Similar to Thanksgiving Day in the United States, the Harvest Moon Festival, as it is also known, is one of the most popular holidays in Korea. Traditionally, Koreans return to their ancestral hometowns to celebrate with their families. The festival day begins with a ceremony in which food and wine are offered to ancestors. This is followed by a meal that typically consists of fish and newly harvested vegetables and grains. The food most associated with the holiday is songpyon, a crescent-shaped rice cake that is cooked on a bed of pine needles. Later in the day, celebrants visit the graves of relatives, where more ceremonies are performed. Chuseok is also marked by gift giving and athletic events, including tug-of-war competitions, archery contests, and sirrum, Korean wrestling matches. Other activities including dancing and music playing. On this day, many Koreans wear hanbok, the traditional clothing.


2.1 Choose and copy the correct alternatives to answer the questions given below. [5x1=5]


1. Which of the following is the purpose of celebrating Chuseok?

A. to celebrate a festival holiday

B. to memorialize the fall harvest

C. to replicate Thanksgiving Day in the US D.

D. to make it a popular holiday

II. Why do Koreans come back to their family hometowns?

A. to meet their relatives

B. to celebrate Thanksgiving

C. to celebrate Chuseok with their neighbours

D. to celebrate Chuseok with their relatives

III. What is presented to the ancestors on the first day?

A. fish and wine     B. sirrum and archery      C. food and wine          D. Vegetables and grains

IV. When do the celebrants visit the graves of their ancestors?

A. before they begin the celebration

B. as soon as they begin a celebration

C. before they eat fish

D. after they eat the feast

V. Which one of the following activities is not an athletic event?

A. sirrum      B. tug of war          C. gift giving           D. archer

 2.2 Fill in the blanks with the correct information from the text. [5x1=5]

This text is about Chuseok, a Korean festival, Koreans call it (I)........... in their mother tongue. It is equivalent to American (II).......... day. It is celebrated for three days in the month of (III) ... every year. The special food they eat at Chuseok is (IV)...... They visit the graves of their ancestors and participate in various games. Most importantly, they wear a special costume called (V) Chuseok.


3. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. [10]

Farmers in Gadhimai Municipality of Rautahat today organised a demonstration demanding water for irrigation. Citing the fact that the subsidiary canal dying due to lack of irrigation, rate farmers held water for irrigation their fields.  "Fifteen years after the subsidiary canal of Bagmati Irrigation Project was built, the canal has yet to be put into operation. Our paddy fields are parched for want of rain", said Rajdev Das, a farmer of Gachimai-1, adding that paddy purospin our bighas of land were wasting away.


Another farmer Dipen Shrestha also lamented, "They took, our land in the name of constructing irrigation canal. So far, they haven't given us any compensation. On the contrary, even though the canal is ready, they don't release water for us," he said. On his part, Bagmati Irrigation Project divisional engineer Akhilesh Siddhaki said the project had taken farmer conce seriously and was working towards addressing them. "Our life has been very tough. We don't have other source for our Iivelihood," said Kanhaiyalal. The farmers were hopeful that their problem would soon be solved.


3.1 Write 'TRUE' for true statements and 'FALSE' for the false ones. [5x1=5]

I. The farmers protested in front of the project office.

II. The subsidiary canal has already come into function.

III. More than six bighas of paddy crops were damaged.

IV. The markers would get enough water after the project.

V. The farmers were positive about having their problems solved.


3.2 Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]


I. What was the farmers' demand?

II. What happened to their paddy crops?

III. Why was Dipen Shrestha in grief?

IV. How did the project engineer assure the farmers?

V. What did Kanhaiyalal's family relay on?

 4. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. [15]

Thomas Edison was born on 11 February 1847. He was one of the outstanding geniuses of technology and he obtained patents for more than one of the thousand inventions including the electric light bulb, the record player and an early type of film projector. He also created the world's first industrial research laboratory.

He was born in Milan, Ohio and he was always on inquisitive boy. By the time he was 10, he had set up a small chemical laboratory in his house after his mother had shown him a science book. He soon became fascinated with electrical currents and it remained the main interest of his life.

In 1869, he borrowed a small amount of money and became a freelance inventor. In the same summer, there was a crisis in the New York financial district called Wall Street when the new telegraphic gold-price indicator broke down. Edison was called in to repair it and he did it so well that he was given a job as supervisor with the Western Union Telegraph Company. They later commissioned him to improve the Wall Street stock ticker that was just coming into use. He did so and produced the Edison Universal Stock printer, which immediately brought him a fortune of $40,000. With this money, he set up himself as a manufacturer in order to produce electrical machines.


In 1876, he built a new laboratory so that he could spend all his time inventing. He planned to tum out minor inventions every ten days and a 'big trick every six months. Before long, he had 40 different inventions going at the same time and was applying for as many as 400 patents a year. The following year, Edison moved to New Jersey in order to build the Edison Laboratory (now a national monument) which was 10 times bigger than his first laboratory. In time it was surrounded by factories employing 5,000 people and producing many new products. Edison died on 18 October, 1931 having a remarkably productive life..


4.1 Match the meanings in Column 'A' with the correct words in Column 'B'. One word does not have a match. [5x1=5]

Column 'A'                                                                                       Column 'B'

I. a room, building for scientific research and experiment                A. genius

II. to be attracted to                                                                           B. laboratory. III.someone who sells his service without a long-term contract C. inquisitive

IV. officially charged someone to do something                               D. fascinated

V. someone possessing extraordinary intelligence                          E. freelance

                                                                                                           F. commissioned


4.2 Put the following sentences in the correct order as they appear in the text. [5x1=5]

I. Thomas Edison gained the credit for building an industrial research laboratory.

II. Thomas Edison was an excellent inventor.

III. Thomas Edison set up a small chemical laboratory in his house.

IV. Thomas Edison got a job as a supervisor in the Western Union Telegraph Company.

V. Thomas Edison bull a new laboratory so that he could spend all his time inventing.

 4.3 Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

 I.  Why was Thomas Edison called a genius?

II. What was Edison interested in?

III. Why was he appointed as a supervisor in the Western Union Telegraph Company?

IV. How did he manage to set up himself as a manufacturer of electrical machines?

V. Why was the Edison Laboratory of New Jersey significant?


5.  Write a set of five rules and regulations to be followed in the library using the given clues in about 100 words. [5]

membership card.........maintaining silence... book return........... fine for pages torn……….. placing the book in appropriate shell…….no eating and drinking.............


6. Write a readable story using the outlines given below in about 100 words. [5]

A body always postpones his works.......... parents worried............ parents always suggest to study regularly......... listens always studies for hours without sleep............. SEE comes closer gets sick and spoils the papers…. A stitch in time saves nine.


7. The beginning part of a paragraph on 'Difficulties in Learning English' is given below. Complete the text in you way in about 150 words. [6]

Studying a foreign language is not an easy job. Although I have studied English for ten years, I have a number of difficulties……………


8. The cases of road accidents have been increasing in Nepal for decades. Write a letter to the editor explain causes, consequences and alternative measures to control accidents in about 200 words. [8]


9. Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in the brackets. [6x1=6]

I. Let me help you...........? (Supply the correct tag.)

II. When we reached the bus station, the bus already (leave). (Use the correct form of the verb leave given in the brackets)

III. My brother beat me when I was young. (Change into negative.)

IV. We heard a noise outside. (Change into passive voice.)

V. The school nurse said, "You can make telephone calls from my office, Ram." (Change into indirect speech.)

VI. Shyam has been living in the USA. (Change into 'Where' question.)

 10. Choose and copy the correct answer from the brackets to complete the given text. (Rewriting is not required. Write the letters of the blank spaces and the correct answer.) [10×0.5=5]

Everybody (a) ………………(want/ wants/ wanted had wanted) to be successful in the world. They need to work hard for success, (b)……(do they/ don’t they/ doesn't he/ hadn't he? (c)……….(Although/ Because/ However/ So) a few people become successful, it's really difficult to achieve it. Can you give me (d)…… (a/an/ the/ no article) piece of advice as to how I can become successful in life? Each of us (e)……..(have/ has/ do / do have) got a potential within us. In other words, we (f)……(has to/ have to/ was to/ had to) explore it for its manifestation. If you cultivate a habit of pursing your hobby, it (g)…….(will help/ would help/ would be helping/ would have helped) you a lot. Moreover, having an aim in life makes one (h)…….. (stick/ to stick/ stuck/ sticking) to his/ her work. So, you should always avail yourself (i)………….(off/ of/ for/ in) your own potential in order to get success in life. That will definitely give an (j)……..(awful/ awesome/ amplified/ ample) result.



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